Best Gynecology Hospital in Calicut - Starcare Hospitals

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Major causes of infertility in women

Infertility in women can be caused due to several internal factors and also some external factors such as their lifestyle. Some of the most common infertility causes are listed below. We at Starcare gynaecology department is equipped with skilled doctors and the most advanced technologies in the treatment of infertility

Irregular periods

Irregular periods cause a major barrier to infertility as the ovulation cycle cannot be determined and are unpredictable. When a woman suffers irregular periods constantly then there are higher chances of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which is one of the most common reasons for irregular periods in women and is also a major cause behind infertility in women.

PCOS also causes excessive weight gain, painful periods and abnormal hair growth in women. Sometimes irregular periods also occur due to stress, sudden weight loss or weight gain.


Age is a major factor in infertility because as the woman ages the quality of the eggs takes a toll. Women aged above 35 experience deteriorating quality in their eggs as each year passes by though she hasn't hit menopause. This affects the chances of her becoming pregnant and also increases the chances of miscarriages.


Women with endometriosis experience heavy and painful menstrual cycles. Normally during a menstrual cycle, the uterine lining formed for pregnancy sheds when there is no fertilisation. But for a woman who has endometriosis, the uterine lining without being completely shed gets attached to other parts of the body. About 30-50% of infertility in women is caused due to endometriosis.

Problem with fallopian tubes

Fallopian tubes are the passage through which the fertilised egg reaches the uterus. When there are issues with the tubes, then the chances of a woman becoming pregnant is severely affected. Common causes of issues in fallopian tubes are infections, including STIs when left untreated. Endometriosis also causes damage to the tubes. Any previous surgery or a previous ectopic pregnancy can leave the tubes scarred causing difficulty in conceiving.

Lifestyle factors

Apart from internal causes some of the external causes for infertility are bad lifestyle choices. Women who smoke are highly likely to battle infertility. Smoking also increases their risk of miscarriage. Drug intake like marijuana can also make it difficult to conceive.

Unhealthy eaters who are obese also face difficulty in getting pregnant. Regular birth control pill users may experience delay in conceiving after discontinuing pills until their body hormones stabilise.

Infertility due to these above causes and many others does not necessarily put an end to your dream of becoming a parent. Starcare offers several infertility treatments with the most experienced doctors though technologically advanced therapies. Talk to your gynaecologist now, to evaluate your infertility issues and get the right treatment to enjoy parenting.

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