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FireFLies~ Eren is preforming the song for a contest and wants to practice. Levi happens to see Eren practicing and watches him They then alter the song and preform it together. Losing horribly they go home and celebrate 'cause it was all for fun anyway. *YourFriendlyNeighbourhoodBitch*


Eren sat on a chair, he had no idea what he wanted to do for the Wall Maria High talent show. He, ofcourse, had no talent but a bet with Jean and Reiner had forced him into signing the sign-up sheet. His bestfriend, Armin Arlert, offered to help him out, but Eren, being the stubborn jackass he was, refused help. The brunette sighed, and turned on his radio.

~ You would not believe your eyes

If ten million fireflies

Lit up the world as I fell asleep~

Eren's green eyes lit up brilliantly as the beat progressed. He would preform this song in the most romantic way possible. Sort of.

The next day, Eren went to school ecited. He had practiced and prepared. The show was in only a few days time, and he was ready to go. As Eren sat in his seat, his teacher came up to his desk. Mr. Irwin, or Captain Eyebrows (As the students called him), and spoke in a quiet voice so no one else could hear.

"Eren, It has been brought to my attention that you are steadily progressing in this class and I would like to give you a tutor to help. You are doing well but you're still at a D. To pass you need to have at least a C." Eren thought for a moment then nodded. He could atleast try to please his parents by trying to pass his classes. Mr. Irwin smiled. "Meet me after class so you can meet your tutor."

Class went by as slow as possible, with his excitment for the show and his nervesness about this 'tutor' he'd be getting help from. If it was a seniour he'd be eatan alive, if it were to be a juniour he'd get all he wrong information, and if it were a sophmore, he was out of luck completly. Eren was deep in thought about his routine and his tutor when the bell rang, scaring him half to death.

"Hey, Eren, it's time to go." Armin said, softly shaking Eren's shoulder. Eren smiled up at the blonde boy.

"Go on ahead, Mr. Irwin needs to speak to me, I'll catch up in a bit." Armin nodded and walked off to find the rest of their group.

"Ah, Eren you stayed. That's good then." Eren simply nodded and stood akwarly waiting for his tutor to arrive. "Levi Riviaille is your tutor, he is an exceptional seniour in my English AA class. He may seem cold hearted but he'll warm up to you eventually." Irwin smiled a sickening smile (to Eren), then went back to work.

Just as the brunette had feared. A seniour. He was going to be devoured. As Eren sat drowning in his thoughts, a short dark haired male walked through the door.

"Where is this shitty brat Irwin. I don't have much time to waist." The teacher looked at Eren and nodded. Levi sighed. "Hellllo. Earth to Brat." Levi waved his hand in Eren's face and sighed. Eren jumped out of his trance and took note of the boy in front of him. To him the boy couldn't have been older than 12. Eren furrowed his brows and looked ta Irwin.

"I thought he was a seniour." Eren recived a smack on the head and yelped.

"I'm 18. 3 years older than you. Do not disrespect me." Levi practically growled before turning on his heel and walking out. "Follow me." Eren got up quickly, fearing the deadly aura that surrounded the child-looking teen.

Needless to say, Levi took Eren to his home, giving strict demands to keep the place clean, otherwise he'd be skinned alive. Once they were settled, Levi began to teach Eren the English language. And after hours of studying, Eren was given permission to go home. The brunette stood and stretched, looking outside, only to see a dark sky. He bid Levi farewell then ran out, promising that they'd study at his house tomorrow, because it was a Saturday.

Leeeeeeeevi x EreeeeeeeenWhere stories live. Discover now