Chapter 1: The Game

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"Hey guys, we should do an escape room," said Colby.

"That sounds like fun," replied Jake.

"I'm in," answered Corey.

"I'm sure there are tons around LA, I'll do some research, find a good one," said Sam.

"I actually already found one," said Colby. He pulls out his phone to show Sam the place.

 He pulls out his phone to show Sam the place

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"Uhhh no way," said Sam. "We're doing an actual escape room, not some house out in the middle of the woods. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"

"We're explorers Sam, we've seen worse," explained Colby, "and they just do that to make it seem scary. I already called the place, the girl seems chill."

"Yea, but every girl seems chill to you," laughed Jake.

"Ha ha, very funny," replied Colby sarcastically. "C'mon Sam, what's the worst that could happen, you go running scared like a little girl?"

"Screw you Colby," Sam replied as the others laughed.

"Look, I'm booking it for 7 o'clock tomorrow," said Colby. "If you don't wanna come, you don't have to, but we're going."

"Are you kidding, I'm the smartest one here, you won't get passed the first clue without me," replied Sam.

"Uhh, ouch," said Corey.

"That's the spirit Samuel," said Colby, patting Sam's shoulder.

"And we will prove your theory wrong tomorrow, Sam," said Jake.

"We'll see," replied Sam.

The next day...

Colby pulled up at the address that he had listed. The escape room was outside of LA, in a very remote area, it looked exactly like the photo, except it was on a hill. There was no driveway so Colby just parked on the side of the road, near the staircase leading to the front door. The four boys stepped out of the car. 

"Dude, how awesome does this look?" asked Colby.

"Awesome isn't exactly the word I would use, Colby," answered Corey. "Looks more like the movie I saw where everyone died because they were stupid enough to go in."

Colby looked back to Sam. "You seem tense Sam, are you scared?" he asked jokingly.

Sam gave Colby an annoyed look. He walked up to his friend and pulled him by the arm to talk to him privately.

"Colby, I have a bad feeling about this place," Sam explained. "And not like the same feeling we get when we do séances or haunted places, like a genuine bad feeling. This is a bad idea."

"Sam, you're overthinking it," Colby said.

"And you're not thinking at all," Sam replied. "I looked this place up on the way here, and you know what I found?"

"What?" asked Colby.

"Nothing, that's the problem," explained Sam. "Just the address and the phone number. No reviews, no other info, nothing. If this is a popular escape room, why have we never heard of it? Why haven't other people mentioned it before? Where is everyone else? We need to think rationally about this."

"You really don't think this is a good idea, do you?" asked Colby.

"I'm sorry, but I really think we should leave," said Sam pleadingly. "Please trust me."

"Ok fine," replied Colby. "After I have some fun. Hey Corey?" He turned away from Sam to look at the brunette standing in front of him. "Sam said he dares you to go knock on the front door."

"I never said that," Sam replied, following behind Colby.

"We even made a bet, I don't think you'll do it, but Sam thinks you will," said Colby.

"Corey don't, Colby this isn't funny," said Sam worried.

"Relax Sam, he's not gonna do it," said Colby. "He's too much of a little bitch."

"I'm the little bitch, you only want me to do it because you don't want to," laughed Corey.

"Fine, I'll go do it then," replied Colby. "I ain't no bitch."

"Colby stop, let's just leave," said Sam, grabbing Colby's arm. Colby yanked his arm away. He grabbed his car keys from his pocket and handed them to Sam.

"You wanna leave, here you go," said Colby handing Sam the keys. "Anyone else wanna go with him?"

"I'm a skeptic, nothing scares me," replied Jake.

"Ok then," laughed Colby. "What about you Corey?"

"I dunno man, I'm telling you I've seen this movie before," replied Corey.

"Ok, then you can stay here with Scaredy Cat-Sam," laughed Colby.

"Is that really necessary?" asked Sam.

"Sam, I'm just messing with you," laughed Colby. "Just watch my car for me, okay?"

"You won't last without me in there, so I'll come, but only to save your dumb-asses," said Sam.

"Our little Sammy is becoming a man," sniffled Jake mockingly.

"Oh shut up," said Sam.

They all walked up to the front door together. Colby was the first one to knock but there was no answer and no doorbell. He knocked again, still no answer. He tried the door knob and watched as the door swung open slowly.

They stepped into a dark lobby, with just windows and nothing else. It was covered in spider webs, they noticed all the windows had been barred shut. When they all stepped in the door shut automatically and another metal door came down after it.

"No turning back now," said Colby.

"Wow, they really went all out with this place," said Sam.

There was box beside them that was for keys, phones and other personal belongings, Colby went to put his phone inside. All of the others followed. Sam put his phone in but was hesitant with Colby's keys, but he put them in.

The box then disappeared into the wall, Sam stumbled back and all four of them watched as one of the walls in front of them opened to reveal three green doors. The doors were numbered 1, 2 and 3. The boys noticed a camera in the corner of the room, and a disguised voice came over an unseen speaker.

"Mr. Brock, Mr. Golbach, Mr. Webber, Mr. Scherer. Welcome to the Game," the voice started.

A/N I'm back. I know, who would've thought. Enjoy.

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