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People in this generation don't know the difference between being DIFFERENT and being THEMSELVES. From what I've learned over time in my life being half White American and Half Nigerian (Black), there is a very bad (negative) thought problem, a plague that's been encoded and enforced for generations throughout time in Human beings is the acknowledgment of us not being seen as the same with Animals and Plants. It doesn't matter if you're an Alien or Demon or Angel, if you are a living organism of any sorts with a vibrant life source, you are all the same. The things we generally consider to be our differences are the way we each do things to co-exist, that's the goal. You can't be able to live together if you can't co-exist. For example viruses, things like the Corona virus or Malaria when they enter a host they live of the host hoping to survive but we don't see it like that when it makes us die, we can't exactly communicate with them hoping to co-exist. This example works on the idea on if we gave other living things the same treatment we give those whom are closest to us. And if you think about it anything that can kill you is superior to you (like DEATH).


Words and Languages are the most important things to all living things especially and more profoundly Human beings; they give us the ability to co-exist through communicating and expressing various meanings and ideas, without communication we will be at each other like Tigers because we can't perceive the same understanding that lets us not fear each other. Everything violent and negative that has been done in various ecosystems is led by fear (NO TRUST), there no way to prove certainty between beings without communication, not being sure whether not they are there to eat you, steal from you or outright kill you. Words and Languages are also responsible for creating communities (or any kind of system). The things we tell ourselves and others are very important, if you don't have the self-control to express personally the right words for you and every one you cannot have a community because everyone will be perceived as different and outside. For example, a man from China goes to the United States of America and sees a beautiful American woman, communication is key to establishing his intent whatever that may be, there are so many things that could hinder that connection between them both, it could be the way he acts towards her, the way he approaches her, the way he looks or even the way he sounds. Sound is another key in the creation of words. The fact that he is from a different place from her shows that he will not sound like the people she has grown up with. So anytime you see a person that's not you and you don't recognize as your kin, automatically we treat him/her or it with caution, which is understandable. We have to be able to communicate with each other to be able to be nice to each other and also ourselves, we can't be telling ourselves and other people negative and provoking things and expect a positive reaction, it doesn't work like that. We need to understand that words are very powerful to both communication and ourselves, words help us guide and entertain ourselves, without ideas (word) we can't think and process things properly.

Words and Languages help us understand ourselves; Sound is how we perceive them.


Every day we battle with sounds and what our eyes can see, inconveniences come when we can't accept the reality that has been proposed to us, because of the rate of how fast life is moving and the amount of content in it that makes it overwhelming and even annoying for some, your loud neighbor, the cat or raccoon that rips out your trash, the morning routine, the job, all the classes and homework, all the human classes (Classes of living), all the different type of people, all the ideas, the good and bad, the tall and short, smart and dumb, black and white, up and down, So many things that makes a difference. This is a very busy time for everyone, so busy that a lot of us don't get the chance to process and learn about various important things that are beneficial to being the best person we can be, so many distractions and temptations, so many options. People settle with a few things they like and they become picky and very picky at times, I don't like this kind of food, I don't want cake, I don't play video games, I don't do sports, I'm not into that kind of music, I don't like your hair, I don't want to sit there, I don't like this chair, I don't like this kind of chair, I don't like this or that, I'm not this or that, so many things to say that makes everyone different, can you imagine the opposite? Due to certain upbringing and walks of life through time we change and differ with or without anybody's help, we change every day and we keep on progressing and evolving into the new. We have to realize that we are all in this together, we share the same time and space, things could change tomorrow and time and space would be calculated differently! In the future people won't care about the music or movies of your time, people still don't care about what you do in your spare time or at work and you would see the accidental or selected or hardworking few that get globally recognized for their works that you might also be interested in or involved in, at the end of the day you are left with you. You are born alone or maybe with someone and you die alone or with someone holding your hand or with a lot of people, it's okay because reality is ever entertaining. We have to change the way we perceive both the changes and differences in life to move on the next step, living. We have to accept and process what we see to make the right choices, we have to enjoy every experience and explore whatever we can before it's gone. Choosing sometimes like everything else has its good and bad, we either know or we don't there are so many factors and events that can hinder a result. Choosing something could hinder you from experiencing many other things, things happen with or without you. You have to be prepared to do something before you do it or accept certain facts before you engage.

We have to understand that it's all not about just you and that understanding is very beautiful because you realize that if a certain person can have a great experience you can have them too in your own unique and special way. The reason it's hard to perceive a life without stress is of course the act of worrying/overthinking, think about the act to perform at your best and then move on to the next, spend your free time doing whatever you want to do and thinking about the next big thing that you yourself want to do whether it's an accomplishment or an activity. The fact that the world moves with or without you proves that you can do whatever you thought about doing while knowing and feeling the consequences of your thoughts and actions, there is no smart or dumb people in reality there are just people who do what they want to do, It's like falling asleep.

You know whatever you want to do and you know what comes after.


Segregation is the practice of keeping ethnic, racial, religious, or gender groups separate, especially by enforcing the use of separate schools, transportation, housing, and other facilities, and usually discriminating against a minority group.

We have to realize that we are all in this together, when we differentiate ourselves from each other we create reasons to why we are different while we are all just people, we come in to existence and we go away, putting down or bringing up some one is your choice. Stating facts about yourself shows you what you want to be it doesn't mean you are that thing, your actions - the things you've done and are doing, the mark you make on the world is what proves your existence.

It doesn't matter if you are gay, lesbian, transgender, bi-sexual, black, white, American, Asian, British, Dog or Cat. You are still just a living thing on Earth, creating differences and borders between people don't make you any less different from them. Let's talk about the idea love, no matter what you do history proves everyone wrong at the end of the day, someone always wins or loses or even makes terrible mistakes. Horrible things have happened to everyone and we have to realize this because so many people around the world have lost something or even everything. Soldiers go to war fighting their fellow human and never return the same and some make it out in peace. We have to acknowledge our actions and evaluate them properly, the whys, the when and the what. We have to develop a conscious for compassion, even if you are a woman who has been hurt by a man or a man hurt by a woman you have to understand what you feel and why you are feeling to move on the next thing you want to do because if you shove it under the rug you'll never be able to solve the problem. No one is perfect. Or if you are either sexually confused or sure, we're starting to live in a time when you can be heard and understood, having preferences between male or female is a construct of separation. The fact that you can be gay proves that it's normal because you didn't biologically engineer yourself to be that way right? Love yourself and everyone as you love yourself and that one true love that you've been looking for will come to you and if you're lucky it could be more than one. This also goes for racism.

The way things are is not anyone's fault but the people in charge of every society and the people before them; a place like America is designed to generate income with little regard for its people welfare, we were all born into this do not blame yourself. It's our job to come up with innovative ways and ideas to evolve and transcend humanity into the next step. THANKS FOR READING

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