Part 1

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It was a cool August afternoon when Michiru was laying in her bed , overthinking. So much had happened lately. The cure for Nyrvasyl Syndrome was already out and in the following days everyone should get vaccinated. She decided to stay in Animacity , though she really missed her family. But she had Melissa ,Gem and Shirou who really cared for her even if he didn't showed his emotions much. Michiru was still playing baseball in the Bears team, which by the way thanks to her skills got the Bears out of a financial crisis and got them a better life.

Everything was fine. At least she thougth so, but deep inside her heart she felt empty. It was a spot that she tried to avoid as much as she could but sometimes she just couldn't bare it anymore. It was a spot for her family. Her old friends. And just a peaceful life she used to had, like when she used to worry only obout school and if her parents will let her to go to that concert with Nazuna and Mitsuku. Mitsuku was a girl her age with beautiful long gold hair and an innocent smile that anyone would fall for. She had freckles too , a thing that only her close friends would know about because Mitsuku used to be really ashamed of them.

There was a question that haunted her every time she tried to sleep, "Did I choose the right thing?" but she wouldn't trade her life , not after all she'd gone through. It would feel really strange for her to go back to human life and just to forget everything.

Her thoughts got disturbed by a loud sound of knocking in the door.

-"Michiru, are you in there?" said Shirou.

-"Sure, come in."

The door opened when Shirou got in the room. He didn't change much, at least that what Michiru thought. His almost white hair was messed up like always and he was wearing his white long coat. Michiru had questioned it a lot since it was really hot outside but she never got any answers. The only thing that changed about him was the way he acted towards Michiru. He sometimes brought her cookies (which was really aprecciated by Michiru) and when she had one of her overthinking sessions where in resultat she got sad , Shirou tried to cheer her up , even if his attempts weren't succesfull.

-"Mayor Rose wants to see us in her office as soon as possible" Shirou's voice sounded from like far away. Michiru shaked her head getting into reality again.

-"What?" She managed to say.

-"Mayor Rose wants to see us" Shirou repeated again.

-"What for?"

-"I don't know, she will tell us when we'll arrive".

-"Okay then, I'll be down in a few minutes"

Shirou nodded his head and left the room. A few minutes later Michiru showed down and left with Shirou the building. They walked past some shops and little kids trying to catch some butterflies and in a few minutes they were already at Mayor Rose's office.

-"Michiru, Shiru, I wasn't expecting you that quick, you may sit, we have a lot to talk about". Said Mayor Rose as the door opened and Michiru and Shirou showed up.

They both sat in front of Mayor Rose's desk and started getting really nervous. Especially Michiru, since Shirou was an expert at hiding his emotions. Did they do something wrong? The same question appeared in both of they're heads. Suddenly all they're nervousness dissapeared as Mayor Rose spoke up.

-"As you know Animacity welcomes every beast that wants to be welcomed. Since the population of our city is growing more and more every day ,I assume that more beasts want to be a part of our community. Your mission is to go to the human world and bring me informations of the different beasts that still live out there, so we could built our city bigger and welcome them in the right way as every beast deserves. Now the question is if you agree". She looked at confused Michiru and cold faced Shirou. The room frozed in dead silence.

-"How long we will be out of Animacity?" Michiru finally spoke up .

-"It depends, I think about two weeks but if you'll need more time, then you'll just have to call me".

-"And if we agree, then where we will stay?" said Shirou, still unsure what to respond.

-"One of my human friends, Clara, is really happy to welcome you in her house as long as you'll need".

-"It seems fair to me, I agree" Responded Michiru. She could see that Shiru wasn't happy with going to the human world, but he always did what Mayor Rose told him to and this time wasn't going to be different. In the end It's for the greater good. He nodded his head.

-"When will we go?"

-"In two days. I'm giving you some time to prepare. We'll meet at 8 in the morning in front of The Peace Statue".

Im writing this fanfic with my friend , and we really hope you liked the Part one , because we never wrote anything else. We're planning on updating a new part every week but things can change since we didn't plan things out perfectly.

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