𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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The bloodsucker has been here for weeks. Sam's had to endure her presence at the Cullens house whenever he wanted to visit Reneesme. She would either be upstairs listening to records or talking to Seth about something or another. (And dammit if that didn't spark something unrecognizable in Sam's body, a hot current running through it at the thought of her and Seth getting on better than he and her ever would.)

It's becoming something of a problem, trying to deny the imprint while taming his pack and keeping up with his mother, who is still giving Sam these looks like he's singlehandedly ruined her life, but somehow, he's managing to get through.

It's no wonder that Edward manages to ruin every ounce of self-control that Sam has.

Earlier, he and Bella had come over with Reneesme and Sam had overheard Carlisle talking to him about taking the vampire hunting. Not for human blood. For animals. Her first vegetarian hunt.

Sam knew it had been a while since the vampire has hunted. He heard Leah bemoaning about it every chance she got. She worried about how it would affect Seth; if the vampire became uncontrollable, who knew who it would hurt to feed. Seth is the closest one to her and would be the first victim. Sam worries about it to, thinks that the sooner they get her hunting, the sooner they can all rest in solace.

Sam hears them upstairs, Edward commenting on the fact that the vampire had tried to kill him once. His entire body tenses up, back muscles taut as he cleans up the puzzle that he and Reneesme were working on. Bella ushers her outside with Jacob, and Sam smiles at her, even though his attention is focused on the conversation that's happening above them.

It's not just him; almost everyone in the room save for Rosalie is perked up, listening to the way that Edward teases the leech and the leech parries back with her own quirks. How they lean towards more serious topics, the leech admitting once more to killing Irina even though they had all forgiven her for the deeds that had been committed.

With each passing moment, Sam's stomach turns to lead. He stands against the open window, cool air breezing over his skin as he clenches his jaw. Emmett gives him a knowing glance from his position on the couch, and Sam all but growls at him to mind his business. He is listening purely because he believes that what Edward is saying is wrong. Not because he wants to hear the soft tone of her voice, the stressed syllables that are intertwined with her words.

(A lie. Over the course of these past few weeks, Sam has begrudgingly admitted that he is enraptured by her voice. It is soothing where his is not and he likes to listen to the hum of it when she speaks with Seth. Shy but strong, like she still wants to be heard. It makes same want to listen forever. To hear everything that she's got to say to him.)

(He will die than admit that, though.)

When she says, "Elis. . ." again, it's like a plea and a cry all at once. She knows that Elis does not wish for her to be here, and for a moment, Sam drowns in the contempt he holds for Elis. Not only does he have Leah, but to make the vampire suffer-

But no, that's wrong. Sam doesn't care. He cares not for her feelings or her melancholy towards her brother. He cares not that Elis detests her. In fact, Sam himself detests her. Who is he to judge someone else for hating evil personified?

Edward says, "Is taking a bit of time to get used to the idea, but that's because he was stupidly in love with Laurent."

Sam even quirks a grin at that, especially when Elis answers with his own, "Hey!"

Edwards responds in kind, "As if you didn't know you infatuation was idiotic, Elis!"

"It was valid, you fu-"

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now