Millions of footprints

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chapter 1
What the
I was walking in the woods when suddenly I saw something strange on the path ahead there were millions of tiny footprints coming out of the bushes crossing the path and disappearing into the bushes on the other side. I had some free time so I decided to follow the footprints. They led me into the middle of the woods. It was almost night, I kept following the footprints then it started to rain so I ran before the footprints washed away. Then I saw it, it was a baby wolf it was all alone looking for its mum. It saw me and it started to walk towards me. I got down on my knees and then i picked the baby wolf up and started to walk home. However, I saw it was still raining so I walked to a tree and waited there until the rain stopped.

One hour later the rain stopped, I looked at my watch it was 12:00 and then I heard a howl it was a pack of wolves. The wolves saw me with their baby and started to run towards me I put the baby wolf down and then I ran but the baby wolf followed me. The pack of wolves stopped and howled into the light.

The pack of wolves left but the baby was still here. I ran thinking the baby wolf didn't follow but the baby wolf did

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