ONE: Flashbacks

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Behind These Scars

ONE: Flashbacks

I walked across the graveyard, my eyes lingered from grave to grave. I caught my breath as my eyes landed on a familiar grave stone, tears threatened to spill. "Eathen" I whimpered as I stared down at my feet infront of the grave, "I showed up" I chuckled, "just like the other seven times" I sighed and crouched down. I placed the baby blue flowers beside the grave. I smiled at the peace silence, I breathed in the fresh Autumn air and gently pulled my black trenchcoat around my small frame. It was the perfect  morning, the clouds blanketed the orange sun, which still gave off a radar of warmth.


My ten year old self sat at the coffee table, spongebob replayed on the tv but I was totally consumed in colouring. "Katerina, tea time" My mother called from the kitchen, I grinned and followed the smell of hotdogs, peas and mash potatoes. my favourite. "I'm here, mama" I said and climbed onto the chair where my dinner awaited. I shoved the hotdog into my mouth, savouring the amazing flavour. "Mum" Eathan called as he entered the kitchen, "yes, eathen" My mum answered, "can I go to a party tonight?" he asked with a hopeful face, "ugh, fine" My mum groaned, running her hand through her ashy brown coloured hair. "thank you" Eathen smiled. He started walking out the door, "Eathen, Eathen, can I come with you" I said while batting my lashes. "not today, little Maya" He sighed and grabbed his brown leather jacket. I pouted and dropped my shoulders, "hey hey hey" Eathen crouched down and lifted my chin with one finger, "tomorrow, I absolutely promise that I will take you to the carnival" I smiled, I grinned widely, "you promise?" I asked. Eathen shook his head, "cross your heart and hope to die?" I pushed. "I, Eathen Hathorn, here by, cross my heart and hope to die, if I do not take you to the carnival" He said, "good enough?" Eathen asked. "yep" I nodded, "good now, hug your mama and go to bed, KItty Kat" He said. "good bye mum" He yelled and left the house and me smiling like an idiot. I ran back towards the loungeroom where my mother was watching N.C.I.S, "good night mama, I love you" I smiled and snuggled into her chest for a moment,  listening to her soft thumping heart beat, "good night sweetie" she smiled and kissed my fore head. I made my way upstairs towards my pink themed bedroom. I climbed into my pink flowery bed, I crinkled my tiny fists into the bed sheets and let my deep brown eyes drop.

I was slowly awoken from my slumber by my mum's soft sobbing echoing throughout the house. A gruff voice tried to comfort her but only made her cry more. I stubbled from my bed and down the stairs, "mum" I whispered, I stood in the arch way in the hall. She turned and wiped her tears, "mama what's wrong?" I asked softly. "oh honey, go back to bed, it's okay" She smiled sadly, "no mama, it's not, what's wrong" I asked, I may have been only ten years old but I wasn't stupid. I was well taught. "Eath is in a bit of trouble, mama will be back soon", She cooed softly while patting down my matted hair. "can I come?" I asked, "no no" My mom cleared her throat, "mama I insist, your not well enough" I said. My mom didn't say another word, she just nodded slightly, I took her hand and walked out towards the police car. I slid along the back seat, pulling my mom along with me. I encased my mom's hand in my little ones, giving her a sad smile. We pulled up at the scene. Broken bottles were shattered along the road, a beaten up car half on the side walk, an ambulance sat as the middle of attention surrounded by paramedics and one single hospital bed. I gasped and pressed my face onto the cold window, 'is that, no no no' my mind wondered, tears lined my eyes, I blinked them away swiftly, I didn't want to upset my mom, I had to be strong for her. "mom" I whimpered and turned to her. "shh sweetie" She cooed and pulled me into her arms. I wriggled into her arms, letting my tears fall. My eyes closed softly, pushing away the fritghing reality and escaping to my dream land.

I soft hand shook my shoulder, a hand that could only belong to my mother. I opened my eyes, "where are we mom" I asked, "we're at the hospital sweetie" She cooed, I frowned, instantly remembering everything that happened. My mother and I were ascourted inside by two police men, one placed his hand on my shoulder, I looked up into his ivy green eyes, he gave me a warm supportive smile. I smile back and focused my vison on my bare feet. My mom cradled me in her arms as we sat outside room 118. She shuffled as the plastic chairs were hard and uncomfortable, "Mama, when will Eath be okay soon" I whispered, "I-", The doctor walked through the door, tapping his pen against his clipboard in a annoying way, "Okay" He groaned, "Mrs Hathorn, Mrs-" He called. "I'm here" She stood up, holding my hand, "Come this way Mrs Hathorn" He said in a way, My mom walked into the hospital room, I quickly pulled her along towards the bedside where Eathen layed pale and lifeless. I looked towards the doctor, hoping that he would give us some good news, "I'm very sorry to say that" The doctor paused, "Eathen is dead" He sighed. My mom cleared her throat and quickly left the room without me, flipping her phone out of her pocket on the way. My eyes flickered from the door the just slammed shut, to the hospital bed. I stepped forward and enclosed my tiny hands around the cold steel bars. My hands clenched into fists, my grasp was so strong that my knuckle bones were pressing against my skin causing them to look white. Tears slide down my rosy cheeks, "Katerina" A gentle voice called, I refused to turn my head towards the door, a person stood beside me and placed his big hands on the bar alongside me. "Katerina sweetie" a voice that could only belong to Matt, my moms best friend. I released my grasp on the bar and turned to Matt, his eyes were full of concern and sadness, "It's okay" He said, "No, it's not!" I cried and flung myself into his arms, His arm amediatly wrapped around me in a comforting way. "do you want to go home" He asked softly, I nodded slightly in return, He picked my small frame up and settled me on his waist like any good father figure would. I had never known my father, so Matt stepped in for him. I liked to think of Matt as an uncle though. I buried my head into the crook of his neck, hiding myself from the lingering eyes of other paitents. Matt carefully sat me down in the passenger seat of his car and walked aroound to the driver's side. I brought my knees to my chest and rocked myself slightly as Matt's rusty pickup truck roared to life. It lunged foward onto the highway, "would you like something to eat" Matt asked, "mhm" I mumbled, "What would you like" He asked, "Maccas please" I replied. Matt chuckled, "some things never change", I smiled at his comment, he can always brighten someones day, "Medium Big Mac meal?" , "yep" I smiled as we pulled up to the drive thru. "Two Big Mac meals please?" Matt told the cashier, She chewed her gum loudly as she punched in the orders. "Is that all today" she asked in a nasally voice, "and two frozen fanta's please" I added, she rolled her eyes and groaned, "that will be $19.50 today" lMatt handed over the money, "thanks" She mumbled and started texting on her phone. Matt drived through to the next window and took the bag from the pimply boy, "thank you" Matt said before driving off. We pulled up at my mom's little apartment, I slid down off the brown leather seats onto the gravel path way. Matt followed me up the stairs to the front of my little apartment, I crouched down and took the little key out from behind the little pot plant. I fumbled a bit before unlocking the door. I pushed it open with my foot and walked into the loungeroom, I plopped down onto the over-stuffed couched and shoved about ten fries into my mouth. Matt chuckled and sat down next to me, I looked over at him and smiled with a mouth full  of chips. "remember to chew, little May" He said and looked back over to the T.V. I downed my big Mac in atleast a minute before slowly closing my eyes and falling asleep to the sound of the football on T.V.

I felt my small frame being lifted and carried up the stairs, I was put down on a soft bed and the person left. I rustled a bit as they shut the door with a thump, foot steps desended down stairs and a voice that belonged to matt hissed, "where the heel have you been!", "why do you care" My mothers slurred voice questioned, "oh I dont know, maybe because I have been looking after your daughter while you have been getting drunk and bringing some man home" He said. I slowly creeped out of bed and down to the beginning of the stairs. I stayed hiden while I looked down at the scene, "Hey, Hey, Hey, Bro back off my woman" I gruff man said. "No, you have to leave" Matt said but was cut off by the man stumbling forward and knocking Matt out. I stiffled a scream as Matts head collided with a night stand and feel limp on the floor. A pool of blood spread around Matt's body, "No!" my mother squealed, 'shut up bitch" The man slapped her across the face causing her to sob violently. I wanted to go and comfort my mother but i didnt, I was frozen still as the scene unfolded infront of me. The man slammed his boot onto my mother back, her screams barely covered the disturbing crack of her bones. She slowly raised her head, her bloodshot eyes met mine, with tears streaming down her face she mouthed the words 'go', I shook my head and followed her order. I creeped into my room and grabbed a jacket, i slid the cream cardigan on and climbed out my bedroom window. My bare foot slipped off the steel pipe, I squealed and clutched my arms around the pipe. I let out a small huff before slidding to the bottom and running off to no where in particular.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2013 ⏰

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