My Hero

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It was a friday night, keith and I was suppose to go ice skating. Its something we loved doing as a couple, we held hands and skated around the rink. Very romantic. But tonite... It felt different. After he picked me up we drove in silence. Thats something we never do.

When we arrived at the skating rink he n I lip locked for a couple minutes, that satisfied me. I felt ad though everything we back to normal. We got out on the ice, his hands slowly slid down waste, where he held me. I felt safe, like nothing could hurt me when he was around... I was wrong.

"hey babe, lets go over here... I have a surprise for u."

"a surprise!? Tell me baby! What'd u get me??" I asked excitedly! He just smiled with that cute smile that I loved && adored. he put his hands over my eyes and led me to where my "surprise" was. I soon felt someone holding me down with a lot of force, while someone elsr tied something around my eyes so I couldnt see.

I felt someones cold hands slowly unbutton my jeans, and slide their cold hands pants.

"NO!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! KEITH!?!?!" I screamed! Tears started running down my cold cheecks. I still dont knoe where we are, but I knew what was about to happen.

"HELP!!!!" I yelled. I heard other guys laughter and mumbles saying "take it off." No I thought, why would keith do this to me?

"hey! Hey!! Leave her alone you son of a bitch!!!!" Said a firm, familiar husky voice. soon my eyes were un tied. And there stood a very familiar face. Jake. Jake was my best friends brother, who I have had a crush on since like the first grade! He help my face between his hands, his hazel eyes starred deeply into my soul.

"Are you ok Jazzy?" He asked concerned.

"I-i-i dont know." I cried. Jake pulled my face into.his chest. He huged me and rubbed my back til the tears stoped running down my face.

"its ok Jazz, ur ok... Its guna be ok, you've got me. Its ok. Their gone. Its over." He repeated softly. I pulled my face back out of his chest to see a huge wet spot on his shirt.

"J-j-jake, im so.sorry I... I ruined your shirt!"

"Jaz, dont worry about it. Are you ok?" I shook my head not sure what else to do. He helped me up and escorted me to his car.

"your coming with me ok? Deanna should be home, I dont want you going back to the keith guy u hear me?" I nodded. At least I knew I could trust Jake. He drove me to his house, and sure enough deanna was home.

"Oh my gosh! Best friend! Your... A MESS!!! What happened?!?! Jake she BETTER NOT BE PREGNANT!!!" Deanna yelled.

"Calm down sis, we didnt do anything... But a couple of assholes set her up. Good thing I went in, other wise she culdve goten hurt." Deanna's eyes flashed back and fourth between me and jake. Jake was holding my by the waiste, while I was wearing his jacket. My eyes were all waterery, my make up had smeared, deanna was rite... Im a mess!!

"So whose ass do I have to.kick on.monday?!?!" Deanna asked.

"No ones... Ur brother took care of the butt kicking already." I tried to smile up at Jake.

"Dammit Jake! Thats my job! But who did it...? I mean besides keith... Im already guna give him a peice of my mind tonite." Deanna pouted.

"you can do all that on ur own D, Jazzy needs to get some rest, so if you'll excuse us, we're going to go.up stairs." Jake said as he led me to.his room.

"u better not get her pregnant Jake!!!" Deanna called behind us.

"no promises" jake laughed. "ur ok with this rite jazzy? I mean, with sleeping in here an all."

"uhh, yeah, we're cool. As long as my pants stay buttoned and no hand is down there were good." I joked. Jake layed down in bed and patted the area next to him. I volenteerely layed next to him.

"close ur eyes." He whispered. I obeyed, I trust him. Within a couple seconds I felt his warm lips brush against mine. Then he was full on kissing me. I honestly didnt mind. He kissed my neck, and nibbled on my ear.

"can I continue?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded, and soon Jake was on top of me kissing my neck. "we dont have to do this if you dont want to." He said between breaths.

"u better hurry before I change my.mind jake." I whispered. He slowly un buttoned my pants and slid them onto the floor. Then I heard foot steps... Then...

"JAKE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" Deanna yelled. I jumped. Jake rolled over to stare at his sister. I didnt notice but I some how managed to get his shirt off of him.

"Deanna, get out of my room! This doesnt involve u!!"

"um it kinda does considering ur about to get my BEST FRIEND PREGNANT!!! Do u want me to tell mom?!?!"

"tell me what?" Deanna's mom asked sleepily. We all gasped in shock.

"Mom! I thought u were asleep!!" Jake yelled. He pulled the blanket over me so that I was covrred up.

"yeah I was until u and deanna woke me up, now whats going on?"

"Jakes trying to get Jazzy pregnant!!!" Deanna yelled.

"Jake!!!....Jazzy...??" She sounded confused. I sat up and pulled the blanket so I wasnt showing any parts. "Jake! Your 18 and jazzy's only 16!"

"mom its not even like that now plz get out!"


"with all due respect mrs. hernandez... Im perfectly fine here...if thats ok with u...err..." without arguing Jake's mom went back to bed and lectured deanna to not eavesdrop on us tonight.

"thats ur best friend.He whispered as he slowly entered me. I groaned, I was in no mood to argue, after all she was my best friend. The first couple times he entered it hurt, but I got used to it after a while, we stayed up all night, and most of the morning. We both finally fell asleep without getting dressed again. Of course deanna barged in at exactly 9:03 "wuts up love birds. So what are the results? Am I guna be an aunt?" She asked playfully. "get dressed u to!" She said as she opened the curtains.

"Deanna... Get outa here! Leave me n my girlfriend alone." He pushed himself off of me to see my expression. I was shocked at first but then I was perfectly fine with it. After all I do need a good man to take care of me right... And what better man than the one who saved me?________________________________________________________________________________________ thanks for reading! I hope u enjoyed it! I'll.make a part two but I need ur feed back... Shuld I change anything of just continue??? know!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2012 ⏰

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