Dearest Friend:Teddy

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I was in the pits of hell

followed by the traces I

created to walk the path of life

and you came along before it ended

Black and white showing me how simple life can be.

I shed tears into Rivers

of sleepless nights in a water bed of lies

that I created along my quest of love

That I no longer long for.

You Brought Joy that stops the traffic of my heart beat

to find ways of heaven ,hell and reach unattainables

I found within you the courage to breathe,love and to feel

through our interactions I find humanity in your inhumane coat.

I found sympathy ,love and cares

in the comfort of your deep brown eyes

How you follow me around

with habits likes mines

sleeping when I sleep

waking me up with kisses of love ,rather licks .

I hear the echo in your silence

yet I know the rythm it plays

within your hearts that triggers

life music in me to survive

When I hold you in my web of love

in the comfort of the joy you bring

My dearest friend.

I share true love that you only taught me to show the world what a true friend have shown me

My dearest Friend of all I love you !

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