Brett x Liam

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Third Persons POV:

It was game night for Beacon Hills and Devenford Prep, meaning that Liam had to go against Brett, tall, handsome Brett Talbot. For a while now Liam and Brett have a little bit of a thing, but they weren't together so Liam didn't think they were at least but in Brett's mind he knew that what they had was more than little flirts here and there. Liam was sat on the bleachers with Scott and Stiles, waiting for Devenford to arrive. Whilst they were waiting they decided to get a couple of extra minutes of training in before the game would start, and to make sure that everything was sorted before the big game. Liam was starting to get excited to see that he was soon to be seeing Brett again, even though they saw each other 2 days ago, when Brett decided to climb his way up to Liam's room to apparently 'hang out' however they did a lot more than that.

Liam always wanted to be something more with Brett and not just fucking around, literally. But Liam knew that Brett wouldn't want that, hell he properly didn't even like Liam like that, but in reality Brett did. Brett wanted to be in a relationship with Liam, but assumed that Liam wouldn't want the same. The truth was that Brett had liked Liam ever since he was in Devenford, but at that point he thought it was wrong to be gay, thought it was wrong to like Liam Dunbar. But Brett couldn't stay away, whenever he was around Liam he found himself fumbling around to get his attention. But Brett decided to go about it a different way, and to be mean to him was the option he went with. After Liam moved to Beacon Hills, Brett felt horrible and soon found himself convincing his coach that they should do a play off with Beacon Hill's, but in his mind it was just to see Liam again.

After a few games with Devenford, Liam and Brett soon put their differences aside and started to get along a lot more. They soon found out that they had more in common than they thought. However as they started to hang out more and more, both of their feelings started to grow for each other. One day Brett went knocking on Liam's door in hopes to hang out, but one thing led to another and soon enough they found themselves rolling around on Liam's bed kissing and kissing soon led to something else.

When Liam was finally brought out of his daydream, he didn't realise that he was staring at Brett the whole time. Scott, Stiles and Brett however noticed Liam's gaze on Brett, "You ok there buddy?" Stiles asks with a smirk on his face, and Liam just shoots him a glare and decides to walk away from the situation, but as he walks away he notices a slight problem he has from remembering some special times with the other beta. Liam walks towards the boys locker room, so he can try and sort himself out, but didn't realise that a certain someone was following him. As soon as Brett walked into the locker room he found Liam resting his head against his locker, obviously trying to calm himself down. Brett walked over to Liam, and turned him around so his back was against the locker and they were chest to chest. Liam looked up to Brett, who had a look of lust in his eyes, but there was something else there, almost a look of love 'but Brett doesn't love me,' Liam thought to himself. But he didn't have time to think about anything before Brett smashed his lips against Liam's.

Before it could get too steamy, Brett pulled back, "Liam," Brett started and a small hum was heard in return urging for him to continue. "I can't do this anymore Liam, it's not you but-" "But what?" Liam quizzed faster than the boy could finish his sentence, but Liam could feel his heart slowly breaking, he needed to know why. Brett looked down at the now breaking boy before him, his own heart swelling at how upset he looks. He knew he had to say it, he needed to tell Liam how he feels about him even if he doesn't feel the same. "Why Brett?" Liam said with a cracked voice, and Brett took a deep breath knowing he was about to spill all his feelings towards the younger boy. "Because Liam, I have feelings for you ok, I can't keep doing this because I want something more but I know that's not what you want. I've tried to stop my feelings but every time I see you those feelings come running back to me. We just can't do this" Brett said with his head hanging down low, and it was that moment he realised that he loved Liam, that's what he was feeling, love. Liam couldn't believe it, he wanted a relationship with Liam as much as Liam wanted a relationship with him. Brett started to turn around to walk back onto the field, when Liam decided to speak up. "Brett I want a relationship with you too, like really badly. I just didn't want to ruin what we had going" Liam says, but now it was his turn to look at the floor.

All of a sudden there was a set of lips back on Liam's, the lips he had soon learned to love. Liam melted in the kiss, and Brett was soon holding him up. Once they pulled away Brett rested his head against Liam's "Liam will you please be mine?" Brett asked with hopeful eyes, and Liam looked back up at him, "Yes of course" Liam said with a smile back, and soon enough their lips were back on each other. "Oh thank god, I could smell the tension from out here and I'm not even a werewolf," they heard someone say whilst pulling away from each other. There were 2 figures that then became a lot clearer, Stiles and Scott. "I'm happy for you two and all but yanno there is a game that we still have to like play. You can carry this on later" Stiles continued, and Liam and Brett both smiled, "By the way, I'm gonna kick your arse out there" Brett whispered and smacked Liam's bum on the way out.

However Brett underestimated his boyfriend, and Beacon Hills proudly won that match. And they did indeed finish what they started later on that night.

Word Count: 1093

Hi guys this is my first oneshot, I hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas please send me a message. Hope you enjoyed it!

Lily XO

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