𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐧

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Sam walks to the Cullen's house, letting the leaves crunch underneath his feet as he does so. He pulls his leather jacket around him, the cool breeze of the night air chill against him. When he reaches the house, his hands shake with nerves, the warm lighting from inside doing nothing to sate them.

For a moment, he doesn't know what to do. Should he go home? Was this actually a bad idea? Should he just leave Sage be? He had already terrified her enough, maybe he doesn't need to make amends. Maybe he just needs to leave her alone until she comes to him.

His mother's reprimands echo in his head, stopping him from turning in his tracks to head home. She sounds disappointed and aggravated and Sam knows that he has to do this. He is ready. He wants to apologize to Sage and make things right. He has been brash and harsh and rude when he should have been quiet and kind and understanding.

He has to make this right.

When he reaches the door, Leah is already there, opening it up like she sensed that Sam was going to be there. Maybe she heard him, maybe someone else heard him, Sam doesn't know, but he pauses, giving her a smile that is more akin to a grimace than anything else.

"Sam," she says, and it still sends magma through him, the way she says it. Softly, like something to be cherished. Surprised, like an exclamation. "I figured you'd be here. Allison called not too long ago."

Leah gives him a meaningful glance. Sam says, "She was going to feed on her." It's a helpless statement, almost bordering on hysterical. Part of him wants Leah to say that Sage is a monster for what she had done, wants Leah to comfort him with an arm around his waist and head on his chest.

But it's a small part that burns only a bit, snuffed out by the need to go inside and see Sage. He thinks of Leah and it still hurts, but it's easier now, like breathing through a mouthful of rocks rather than his entire lungs being filled with sediment.

"She didn't," Leah responds, and she sounds angry, just a bit. Her eyebrows furrow down, angry and brown, and she frowns. "If you're here to yell at her because she's trying then you can-"

"I'm not here to yell at her," Sam interrupts, voice quiet. He shoves his hands deep in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Why would I?" Leah sends him a glare. "Fair enough, but I'm not here to yell at her, Leah. I'm here to. . . apologize." He puckers his lips like he tasted something sour.

Leah's brows rise and she gives him an intrigued grin. "Really, now? Realize what a dumbass you're being then? Took you long enough."

She doesn't even seem jealous, an angry part of Sam admits, crestfallen. He pushes it away before he can ponder over it too much.

"I don't really get how you can say those words to me considering that before Elis, you hated vampires more than I did," Sam points out. "Speaking of, since when has your opinion on Sage changed? I'm pretty sure you hated her the other week."

Leah shrugs, and the low lighting from the house catches the shadows on her face. "She's nice enough to Seth, and I can see that she is trying to be something other than what she's been told to be. I figure if I can lessen the burden on her by being kind then I might as well. Ancestors know that Elis gives her enough grief."

Once again, Sam is floored by Leah. The woman who hated vampires going against everything she believes to be kind to one who might not even deserve it. His heart races in his chest and he wants to embrace her, but he fights the urge because it's a small one, one that is getting easier and easier to ignore.

"Right," he says, scratching his head to distract himself. "Right. I get that. You're being very gracious."

"I wouldn't call it gracious, but thanks."

There's a moment of silence, Sam bouncing on his heels and Leah grimacing at the lull in conversation.

Sam whistles low in his throat, coughs once, then asks, "So, is Sage here? I'd like to talk to her."

Before Leah can answer, the front door slams open and Seth walks out, chomping on a sandwich. He bounds down the stairs saying, "Nah, she's not. Elis is an idiot and they got in a fight. She ran off not too long ago. She's probably that way." He points to a place north of them, deep in the forests.

Sam frowns, hands trembling. He nods at Seth but doesn't ask what Elis did to make her run away. He is curious, but he scared that his curiosity will turn into animosity if he finds out just what Elis did. He does not want to attack the vampire on account of him being important to both Leah and Sage.

Seth continues on his walk home, calling, "If you find her, don't let her forget that we're going hunting early tomorrow! And treat her nicely, Sam! She's been through too much!" on his way.

Sam grunts his acknowledgement, turning back to Leah. He feels too big for his body, awkward and off balance.

He says, "Well, I'm going to go look for her. To apologize, that is."

Leah raises a brow, a tilt to her lips. "You do that, Uley. Thanks for finally getting your head out of your ass."

She pats him on the shoulder, her small hand hitting the giant expanse of his shoulder blade. Sam tries to smile at her, but it comes out as a grimace again, and he walks away from her feeling jittery and awkward, so unlike how he normally is around her.

He shakes the thought from his head and focuses on finding Sage.

He'll think about his complicated feelings regarding Leah another day.

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now