𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Two nights later, he visits Sage at the same spot they sat at when he apologized. The moon is high in the sky, and Sam presses his hands into his pocket, taking a seat beside Sage.

"Paul says he's sorry." Paul did. He begrudgingly admitted that he was wrong after Leah told Rebecca what happened, and Rebecca chewed him out until dawn rose and Paul's ears bled.

"That is quite alright. He was angry at me for attacking him. I would have been irate myself had my pride been hurt."

"Didn't give him the right to treat you or Seth the way that he did." Sam frowns, clenching his fist together.

Beside him, she is colder than the night and it calms the heat of Sam's skin.

"Did Leah get her revenge?" she asks.

"Yeah, she did. As soon as I heard the howl, I knew he was in for it."

"I'm glad. She was really upset that he was teasing Seth."

Sam sighs. "He has. . . He's got a temper. He's never been great with change, either, so it was a shock to him when a vampire bested him since he's supposed to be the best combatant in the pack."

"I did have the upper hand."

Once Sam tells her that it's a miscommunication, the flood gates open, and he is telling her about every doubt he's had since Jacob left the pack and took everyone with him. He thinks about how no one does listen and how nothing seems to help, anymore. Everything in the pack is broken and tilted and they used to be a family but now they're half a home.

But because Sam said, "my pack," Sage says, "You're the black wolf."

He pauses, glancing at Sage, stricken. Her eyes are light as she gazes back at him, and she seems so surprised that she's given up mimicking breathing and now just sits there, still as stone.

"Yes, I am." He hangs his head, unsure of how he feels now that the cat is out of the bag. He wonders what she thinks now that she knows that he was the one who stayed with her for all of those weeks, wonder if it helps soothe her fear or amplifies it.

She looks at him steadily, giving nothing away. "The Alpha of your pack, I presume."

"Yes, but it feels like I've become a joke to them since Jacob left with Seth and Leah."

"I assume there is some blame going around."

Is there ever? Paul will not get over how adamant Sam was about killing Bella to save the entirety of the place they lived in. He thinks that if he would have just protected humans, as they normally do, then Jacob would have still been there, and no one would have left.

Jared doesn't care much, understanding where Sam came from, but he still gives Sam these looks, and Sam can't ever decipher why.

When Sam tells her this, she says, "Ah." Then, pondering, before she continues, "You were looking out for the safety of the town, perhaps the entire country. The Volturi was ignorant to what Reneesme was until the trial. She could have been an immortal child-stronger than everyone without the control. You were right to be rid of an unknown threat."

"I wouldn't hurt a hair on Reneesme's head now, but my duty is to protect people first. . ."

Sam must be spiraling now. His face must show how much this hurts him; how much it aches him. To be the one who wanted to kill Reneesme, an innocent child, with no hesitation. It must be plastered on his face because Sage reaches for his hand without warning, and Sam's entire body runs liquid hot with the gesture. He looks at her, searching, and she just smiles at him, and he's never quite seen a smile like that, painted white. No malice. Only understanding.

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now