Chapter 1: Two Miracles

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The night sky has darkened in ashen black and a bloody red hue. If one was to look upon the carnage of the fires of Fuyuki, it is the very depiction of hell.

Buildings burning and infrastructure crumbling under the unbearable heat, metal structures bends and warped, concrete and asphalt fell apart into the wreckage of rubble, but the nightmare laid in the charred corpses of the dead where the looks of terror, agony and suffering is forever frozen on what was left intact.

The flames burned at unnaturally high temperatures as the embers latches onto any living being as if it was alive. Everything burned and died in what was once a inhabited residence as if the wrath of some unholy god fell upon the area.

It is a hell beyond any hopes of doubt, but even then, there was still one soul that walked through the ominous flames.

A small figure barely at the age of seven trekked across the devastation with only a willful resolve to live and his functioning legs that carried him. Burn marks marred his body while striving for a path with the lowest presence of flames, however minimal it was.

Exhausted and sobbing through his golden-brown eyes he continued to walk forward, never stopping for anything, even if it was from the wailing of the dying. Trapped under scorching debris or turned into a living torches, the screams echoed in the boys mind but his body continued moving past the bodies.

He couldn't save them even if he wanted to when their cries for help grated on his heart, yet he still walk on what seemed to be an endless sea of fire and death.

The boy fell where the hot earthen ground threatened to immolate him, yet with a determination to muster strength he got back up. In exchange he broke off a part of himself, leaving it behind like a broken piece of glass.

The cycles of falling and rising repeated again, again, and again as he lost himself in exchange to walk forward and draw breath.

How long has it been since he first started walking? How long has it been since he's lost himself little by little? How much longer can he go on in this perpetual spiral of madness?

The boy couldn't feel, he can't remember his reasons for moving, why was he even alive at this moment?

Then he fell once more, probably for the last time as he lost the will to get up again, because there was nothing left of him. His sadness, grief, despair, will, and hope evaporated, just another empty husk of a body ready to join the rest of the charred and lifeless bodies... only to stop at the fact that he didn't hit the floor.

This sensation, a rather small grip around his torso, the haggard breathing of another Living being.

A presence on the boy's left side, his cloudy vision could still perceive a body slightly smaller than his own. A head of black hair and eyes of sapphire supported the near fallen boy with red auburn hair and golden eyes as he hefted an arm over his shoulder; but the main focus of his attention is the sheer look of determination and resolution in those blue orbs.

"Stay with me..." The boy pushed out with a barely audible voice, yet there is an undeniable tone kindness in his words. "We will... get out of here..."

The two boys, while unlikely as it was, continued their journey through the hellish flames, which should have been more unlikely if not borderline impossible where a six year old was dragging a seven year with him.

The boy whose eyes were empty gazed at his unexpected saviour. "Why is he so determine?" He couldn't help but thought. "Why would anyone want to save me?"

Unfortunately the fires of determination started to dwindle with each step as the surrounding fire burned away the young boy's will. At this point, just like the boy he was holding up, the younger boy's movements were on autopilot.

The blue eyed boy's reason for saving another is left in the unknown where it should have been the optimal opportunity to leave the area alive instead of potentially incinerating his life with another, yet despite all logic or reason, here he is trying to save another.

Then after several steps, he stopped in his tracks. His mind is a haze and the light in his eyes were dimming just like the boy he was carrying, and if he falls, that would be it for the both of them.

So what could he do?

"HEY!!" He actually yelled out with what was left of his strength, as if he was praying for a miracle, a lingering of hope within it.

They both hit the ground.

Dark cloud hovered in the skies and rain started to fall. As if the heavens themselves were crying, it's a small blessing that began to extinguish the flames, though it came too late for those that already passed away in the disaster.

There was a scene where only the sounds of burning flames and sizzling rain could be heard, the sight of two children where their eyes had lost their light, and the younger of the two stopped breathing.

"Is this the end?"

What else could be done in this hopeless situation? He did not even know if they were still in the fire since everything from his body and spirit was shutting down.

The boy held out his hand, reaching out for something he didn't know what he was reaching for. There should have been nothing but the dark sky in front of him, yet he felt some kind of surge course through him.

"I don't want to be alone."

He didn't know why he thought of this... actually, were those even his thoughts?

There was something before his eye that's too vague to make out, though he was not sure if it was really there. Something around his lifted hand, a silhouette maybe, and reasons unknown to him gave off the presence of a crystal colour. Yet somehow, it felt warm.

His strength has left him and his hand fell as well, until a large hand grasped his own.

"Thank goodness!"

The cry's of a man was heard.

"You're alive."

Hair and eyes in the same black colours, his eyes would have looked as dead as dying child's eyes if it wasn't for the tears the man shed and a smile of absolute relief. In the moment of the boys thoughts, even to the state at which his body was in, he felt jealous. First for the younger boy who pulled him out of the flames when he couldn't for others, and now the man in front of him crying tears of joy repeating the words "Thank you" as if he had saved himself.

When the man notice the second boy, his eyes sank into a deeper sorrow when he held the two boys in his arms.

"I'm so sorry. You must have been the one who called out."

The boys consciousness was fading, his vision was nothing more than a blurry world. In that moment, all he could recall was seeing a flash of golden light which gave off a comforting warmth unlike anything that should have been possible in reality, a warmth that houses the embodiment of hope and dreams.

"Can I be like them one day?" Were his last his last thoughts before darkness took over.

The sorrowful man took the two children in arms and immediately ran to the nearest hospital untouched by the fire.

"No matter what, you two are going to get help."

After the man had imbedded the relic into the auburn haired boy, he inspected the body of the other child. The shout this little one gave had alerted him of their presence, and for that he was going to save him as well. Since his breathing stopped just recently there was a chance that he could be resuscitated if he could make it to the hospital regardless of his exhaustion and curse.

Though once he thought about doing it himself, it left him with worry that if his attempts took too long the other boy might start dying regardless of the relics healing properties.

Then much to his shock and furthering his joy, the rising and falling of the black haired boy's breath started to return, as weak as it was. This man is holding two miracles in his hands. Two souls who had survived the flames of an actual incarnation of All the World's Evil; and right now the joy he experienced then and there is far beyond anything that words could offer.


Hope you enjoyed my first Fate fictions.

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