What is that!?

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The comforters fell onto the floor with a loud 'plop' as Tanaka bounded out of bed and ran downstairs to check what had most likely fallen.

It was the middle of the night- 1:30 am to be exact- and Tanaka was home alone while his parents were on a trip and while his sister was out with friends for a week. It hadn't been but a few hours since he last saw people at volleyball practice, but he had assumed he would at least be able to get through the first night alone.

Key word: thought.

Nothing in his living room was moved, and his kitchen looked fine as well except for a window that now had a large, glass shattered hole in it.

Unfortunately Tanaka hadn't noticed that until his foot stepped right onto a shard, making a bleeding cut that was decently deep.

"Fuck-" Tanaka cursed under his breath as he sat down on a bar stool and grabbed a paper towel to wipe the blood.

He had brought his phone downstairs just in case he needed to call the police if an intruder had come, not that he wouldn't of just beaten them up himself of course.

He figured it would be easier to just call someone over since he couldn't really think straight enough to figure out what had happened to his window.

(He was tired, fatigued from volleyball, and alone)

He also didn't like being alone so late in the night since he had woken up.

His first contact was Noya, but after a few calls he didn't pick up.

"That lazy bastard" Tanaka laughed to himself, but went down in his contacts trying to figure out who would be awake at this time.

He stumbled upon Daichi's contact, and decided to try it.



Ri- "huh? Tanaka? Why are you calling so late?" Daichi said through a muffled voice like he had just been woken up.

"Uh so captain you're gonna laugh haha-" Tanaka started only to be cut off.

"I can't deal with your shenanigans right now it's 1:45 in the morning. Call Ennoshita if you really need something, make sure to be at practice tomorrow, goodnight." Daichi said quickly before hanging up.

Daichi has gone to bed late since he had been on a phone call with someone till around 12:30, talking about school and volleyball.

"I- Capt- Daichi-" Tanaka tried to say before Daichi hung up but was too late.

He sighed, maybe he should call Ennoshita. He had been helpful before, and he had good enough morals to keep Tanaka straight.

He dialed his number and the response was almost immediate, "Tanaka? Why are you up so late?" Ennoshita said, sounding like he hadn't gone to bed yet.

"Ah, Ennoshita! I'm so glad you aren't asleep, is there anyway you can come down to my house? You remember where it is right?" Tanaka said quickly, getting more anxious by the second, and his foot getting bloodier and bloodier.

"Huh..?" Ennoshita was silent for a second, "your not.. drunk are you? Or high?" Ennoshita said with a scolding tone.

"No no! I swear I'm not into toxic ate...-?"

"Intoxicated" Ennoshita corrected.

"Yeah I swear I'm not. I just need you to come over here and I'll explain it when you get here."

Ennoshita was silent.

"Pleaseee Ennoshitaaaaa" Tanaka pleaded through the phone.

Ennoshita sighed, "I'll be there in 10 minutes this better be important."


The phone hung up, and Tanaka fisted the air, but went back to holding the paper towel on his foot, which was now dripping through it.

He sighed.

Tanaka thoughts:
I should of gotten more paper towels

-10 minutes pass-

Tanaka shot up when loud banging was heard on his door. He assumed it was Ennoshita, but why was he banging so frantically and loudly?

Tanaka hobbled to the door as best he could without getting blood everywhere but failed miserably.

He opened it and before he could say a single word Ennoshita was running into his house and closing the door quickly.

"Wha-Ennoshita are you okay?"

Ennoshita had a terrified expression on his face, and he grabbed Tanaka's shoulders.

"Wh-wh-wh-why is there a dead body in your front yard?!?!" Ennoshita whisper- shouted.

Tanaka laughed a bit but once he realized Ennoshita wasn't kidding he opened the door and looked outside.

Tanaka's eyes widened and he was speechless.

A blood stained, t-shirt and shorts covered someone who was built about the same way as someone Tanaka's age was lying in the grass with black hair covering their face and large rocks covering hands and feet. It looked like they had been stoned to death- no wonder Ennoshita had run inside.

Ennoshita grabbed Tanaka by the shirt and pulled him back inside, closing the door behind him.

He looked down and saw a small pool of blood on the ground, "Tanaka! What is going on?!?"

"I-I" Tanaka didn't know what to say, he couldn't get the picture of what was on his lawn out of his head, but he knew that he needed to get his priorities straight.

Ennoshita took a very deep breath, and decided to work on what they could deal with first, "your foot. What happened?"

"I stepped on glass" Tanaka pointed to the pile of glass from his broken window.

Ennoshita shook his head as he added the broken window to the list of questions he had.

"Do you have bandages? And disinfectant?" Ennoshita asked.

"Yeah It's in this closet-" Tanaka started to get up but Ennoshita stopped him and pulled a bar stool over to them.

"Sit, just point to the closet. Try not to get the blood anywhere but in one spot, where are your paper towels?"

"By the sink" Tanaka said, still dumb founded by the fact that Ennoshita looked so calm.

Ennoshita thoughts:
What the hell. I came here because I suspected Tanaka had done something stupid- but I never thought he was insane?!?

Who is that? Why is his window broken? Why did he look so scared when he saw it? Did he kill them? Does he know who did? Does someone want to mess with him-

"You okay Ennoshita?" Tanaka said as Ennoshita had kinda stopped right before grabbing the paper towels.

"Sure." Ennoshita said without emotion, as he was a bit traumatized.

He grabbed the roll of paper towels, pulled a few off, and put them underneath Tanaka's foot.

He then walked over to the closet Tanaka had pointed to before, and pulled out some gauze and disinfectant.

He crouched down and looked back up to Tanaka with a concerned look, "this is gonna hurt"

He didn't give Tanaka a chance to respond, before he poured it all over his foot.

"Ah-! Jesus Christ!" Tanaka yelled, covering his mouth and biting his hand.

Ennoshita winced at the amount of pain Tanaka must of been in, and quickly wiped off the blood and disinfectant.

He wrapped it up securely in gauze, and patted Tanaka's leg as he stood back up to signal that he was done.

"Now. Your going to answer all my questions." Ennoshita said as Tanaka got off the bar stool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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