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-Jacen Lunicano POV

"Yo Jacen you should come with me to my aunts daughter’s birthday party." My Beta ask me while we were in my room doing nothing like usually.

I gave him a shrug look and laughed. “Dude you won’t be by any chance talking about your Aunt Ana right?'' I ask crossing my arms looking dead at him.

He hesitated and mumbled a yea."Are you kidding me, your aunts daughter is a little girl, if i am not mistaken there will not be no teen girls, or drinks to make you go beyond drunk.'' I was laughing so hard i swear i can kill a lung.

Eric didn’t find one thing funny and he stood up. “Come on Jacen please, i really don’t want to go by myself, you can bring April along if you want, but you have to promise not to do that nasty stuff in front of the kids. Ana would kill the both of you if you did." He was serious in his words, but once i heard him say April can come i got serious as well.

April is my everything. She my light to my world. We've been together ever since freshman year in high school. Since i hadn’t found my mate, i kind of stop looking, now my life is focused on April and only her. I think i may be starting to fall in love with her.

"Alright man, but you going to owe me, when is this party anyway?'' I asked jumping onto my bed with my hands behind my head staring at the ceiling.

"Today, it's been started but i wanted to go with someone, so i suggest you get up and lets go get Apirl and then leave to my Aunts party before she kills me.'' I gave him a sharp look and threw my pillow at him a little bit harder than a male human would of threw it.

"That’s for telling me all late" He smiled but hid the pain i know he felt from the impact of my throw.

After picking up Apirl we headed straight towards Ana's home. By the time we got there you see nothin but little kids everywhere. The moment i got out the car i couldnt help but smell something so intoxicating. It was makeing my insides go wild.

Eric notice my sudden stiffness."Whats up man, never been around a bunch of kids before?'' He joked. I felt April come and lean against me. For some strange reason, that would of made me smile and get turned on but it was feeling wrong. Something is up with me, but i cant put my mind on it yet.

"Whats wrong baby, you never got so tensed like this before." She half purred to me, makeing me feel like throwing up at the sound of lust in her voice.

I ignored her and followed Eric in the house going through lots of yells and entergic kids. We spotted Ana cleaning up one of the kids shirt because they had cake frosting on them. "Hay Ana! How's my aunty doing?" Eric said giving Ana a hug. She smiled and then smirked.

"Uh, i thought you ditched, Hay Alpha Jacen" She bowed down at me showing respect towards me."I told you already Ana you can just call me Jacen, your like family to me." She smiled and then turned to Eric.

"Now for you, your late, the party is almost over and She was looking for you all day, you better be glad that i gotten her enough presence for her to forget, but go look in the liveing room, she might be there, i think?'' She paused and then hit her hand on her head. "Uggh! i sounded like a horriable mother just sayin that didnt i?'' She asked with her eyes closed.

We all laughed and replied no. She went about cleaning the little boy's shirt and i followed Eric to the liveing room with April on my heals.

As we were heading to the living room, i notice no one was over here because the noise began to fall in slience, thats when the smell came again but stronger. It smelled like Fresh baked cakes and a hint of choclate.

I notice the closer we was going into the living room, the smell was getting stronger. I looked at both April and Eric to see if they at least looked like they smelt anything. But they both had regular serious faces.

We came to the living room to find a little girl back facing us with her long dark blonde, brownish hair fall to her mid back wearing a pink puffy short To-To with dark rainbow color stocking, black drees shoes with pink bow ties in front of each shoe, long sleave tight fitted shit and a short cut jean jeacket. For some reason just the look of her back makes me want to protect her from everything.

She heard us come in, and in that instant she turned around and she knocked my breath away. It was like everything went slow motion. Her hair swong around to fall to her back, her hazel crystal eyes, her beautiful features were breath taking.

That little girl infront of me was my mate.

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