Chris Fehn

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Chapter 01 - By: AnnaSOADaddicted

Chris's POV:

Hey there. I'm Chris Fehn. The percussionist for Slipknot.
My number for the band is #03.
We have 9 band members, so it would make sense why we have numbers. Staring from 0, to 8.
We're in the production of the 3rd album.
My mask has a long nose, which often gets me-med by the other band mates... whatever this, Me-Me thingy is, the jokes can be funny.
I'm sitting on the couch right now, taking a break for 5 minutes, so are the others. We're gonna continue working on the album soon.
Sid barges into the room after using the restroom, starts to scream with middle fingers up

Right there, you got the smallest (In age) one in the gang. #0, Sid Wilson. He is the DJ. The "Two guys" he is talking about, Jim is right next to me, who passed out into sleep, and I almost did as well.
Jim Root. James root. #04. He's the guitarist along with Mick Thomson, #07.
Corey barges in as well, and swoops  Sid in his arms.
- "Whosh a chute little pixel?" Corey teased around.
- "Let me go, jackass! You're short too! Motherfucker!" Sid jumped out of his arms, face first into the floor.
- "Ouh god, is he okay?" Clown asked.
Sid gave a thumbs up, Corey then shrugged.
Corey Taylor, number 8, the vocalist.
Micheal Shawn "Clown" Crahan, number 6, also a percussionist. We really don't know what to refer to him, so we call him "6" or "Clown". Mostly Clown. He's the calmest along with Craig. Craig Jones, sampling, number 5. He never talks. He's very silent and chill. Killers are quiet...
Joey snuck into the room, acting stealthy .
Sid rolled on the floor.
- "We can see you, Joey!" Sid said.
- "Aw man.." He stopped acting stealthy.
- "Hey guys!" Paul walked in

Paul, number 2, bassist. I'm best buddies with him, he is a cool dude!
I forgot to mention, Joey Jordison, number 1, the drummer.

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