The Umbrella

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I turned off the television harshly, completely annoyed.

"I already knew that they won't end up together" throwing the remote control on the sofa,

I shut my eyes close, preventing myself from breaking the tv.

"What are you watching?" My brother showed up, making me slightly surprised.

"Don't you have eyes?" I rolled my eyes at him,

"Woah, what's with the attitude" he laughed

"Why don't you just go and find yourself a girlfriend"

"It'll be a shame if I had one, you'd be completely left out and I wouldn't give a damn about it"

I was about to say something when he cuts me off by trying to leave

"Aight, Imma head out, need to be in John's place before lunch" he sang and danced

"I hate you!" I shouted at him

"Love you too!"

Celebrating his victory, his laugh still echoing the room. This brat is really getting on my nerves, ugh.

I didn't noticed that my phone kept ringing, I checked to only find that there are 10 missed calls from mom. Shit, am I in trouble?

I decided to call her and asked what's wrong, turns out she just needed to ask me what brand of clothes I usually wear, because she wanted to buy me one.
What a relief.

I groaned and rolled out of the bed, bored of being inside, I decided to go out for a walk
"Dad I'll be back in an hour or two" I said loudly, for him to hear

"Okay sweetie, no talking to strangers" Easy.

'Could this day get any worse?' I mentally cursed myself, regretting my decision for not staying inside, but it was too late, the rain had already poured heavily, so much that even if I was fast enough to run to the nearest store, I would still be completely drenched, from head to toe.

I do love rainy days though, for it gives me comfort, but the sounds of thunderstorms bothers me so much. It gives me anxiety. I bit my lips feeling the uneasiness and the tears forming in my eyes

I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself to keep myself warm.

just, why?' I thought to myself, a cold breeze lightly touched my skin, making me shiver. Though I was more disappointed that I didn't bring my phone with me.

"I hate my brother, but I really need him right now"
I whispered to myself, desperately looking around and searching for luck, trying to find someone I know, but I didn't, with that I was completely annoyed, my mood is so ruined.

"An umbrella should do" But before I get to feel relieved, I realized that I had left my wallet too.
Gosh why do I always have to be so unorganized?

Feeling disappointed at myself,
I looked down, sniffling and trying my best to prevent myself from crying.

I sat down, protecting myself by hugging my knees, covering my face and closing my eyes,

Not noticing that a guy was watching me from afar.

"Here" A voice spoke, I jumped immediately and turned around only to meet a pair of eyes with my startled ones

And there, I saw a guy staring at me, eyebrows raised, with his hands in his pocket.

He was wearing a dark blue hoodie that matched his brown-ish eyes, I couldn't see that much though, his face was slightly covered.

In The Rain / kth. (BTS #1)Where stories live. Discover now