Chapter 1

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So I got a positive reaction to 1 am ramblings so here we go. Please comment

Above is a picture of Ben, picture him hopefully not looking so tired or sullen.

This hadn't been Ben's idea of fun for the night but his best friend Harley had wanted to go so he went along with it. She was a bubbly, bouncy thing. And the new club Dungeons had fit with her new obsession with the BDSM lifestyle.

So Ben, always the designated driver, mother hen, safe friend that looked after everyone else had gone with her to make sure she wasn't kidnapped, or worse.

And here he was, sitting in a corner barstool cautiously sipping his virgin drink and eyeing the crowd around him with apprehension, borderline terror, while Harley grinded her ass against an obvious Dom, with his black leather pants and harness, not to mention the wrist band he wore.

Black for dominants, Yellow for submissives, Red for claimed submissives, and white for non-players. Harley wore a yellow wristband and for obvious reasons, Ben wore a white wrist band.

A few people had approached Ben. but spotted his white wristband and avoided him after that. It was better than a wedding ring, for keeping unwanted attention away.

That was until he met him. It hadn't been intended, really it was more of an accident that had to do with a nervous bladder on Ben's part. Not that kind of accident.

It was an honest mistake. Ben had felt the need in his bladder, checked one more time to make sure that Harley was doing fine, still grinding away. Then he had hopped off the barstool and headed in the direction of what he thought were the bathrooms.

Of course, it wasn't the bathroom he wanted, but how was he supposed to know he was accidentally entering the VIP area. No one was standing there blocking the way. Ok, there may have been a sign that Ben saw after the fact, but in his blind haste to get to the restroom he must have missed it.

The good news was he found a restroom, the bad news was he found the VIP restroom. It looked really nice with a plush seat and done in colors of red and black that fit the theme of a BDSM club.

Ben was washing his hands in the porcelain white sink when it happened. The door opened and a large figure that Ben saw out of the corner of his eye walked in.

He expected the man to walk behind him and use one of the three urinals or single-stall available in the otherwise empty bathroom but instead, the figure paused beside Ben.

Ben looked up midway through washing his hands and into piercing dark brown eyes that were eyeing him with curiosity. The brown eyes belonged to a giant of a man. At 5'7" and 140 pounds Ben knew he wasn't tall or intimidating in any way. It was part of the reason he had confidence issues and anxiety, but this man would make an average size man look small. He was over 6 feet by a few inches with broad, muscled shoulders that were obvious even covered up by an impressive black suit and light blue dress shirt. Black hair was carefully styled up and away from a handsome face with easy grace.

"Um hi?" Ben squeaked out, as the man kept staring at him, examining him.

The large figure remained silent, making Ben feel even more uncomfortable than he already was.

"Can I help you?" Ben tried one more time.

"I think I should be asking that." A voice rumbled from inside that massive chest.

A shiver ran down Ben's spine at the luscious sound. Maybe this should be a good time to mention that Ben was gay but very much in the closet. It wasn't that he was exactly ashamed of being gay, especially not in the 21st century but he was very private about his sexuality and had been raised as such. At home it was a policy of don't ask, don't tell. It didn't hurt that Ben also had some levels of social anxiety. It wasn't crippling but enough to make him feel very uncomfortable with strangers.

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