One - I Have to Talk to You

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It's been two months since I've seen Luke and one month since I found out I was pregnant. Luke had skyped me a little over a week ago just to prove that he loved me and I felt horrible about keeping my pregnancy a secret from him, but him and everyone were flying down for Christmas and I planned on telling him tonight, as I was on my way to Liz's hotel room to tell her first.

I told Luke that I had to catch up on some studying for finals before the break, but I just texted Liz that I needed to meet her at her hotel room with important news and to make sure Calum wasn't there.

"Hello?" She answers her phone on the first ring after I dialled her number.

"I'm at the hotel right now, you sure the boys are at the movies?" I ask, and park my car and hop out, heading to the front of the hotel and entering the lobby.

"Yup, just us baby cakes," she says, and I mentally sigh in relief, "what's so important that you needed to tell me?"

"I'm literally not even five minutes away, you can wait." I laugh and she sighs dramatically.

"Fine, top floor four sixty three A," she tells me her room number and we hang up. The elevator ride was antagonizing, I could hardly stand still, my stomach twisted in nervousness, making me feel nauseous. But then again, I felt nauseous sixty eight percent of the time, with all the stupid side effects of carrying a kid inside you.

"FLOWER!" I heard loudly, and I jump, scared out of my wits. I couldn't see Liz, but I knew it was her and I'm quickly being tackled to the ground. My eyes widened and I flew my arms straight out and heard a crack from my elbow as I braced myself from landing on my stomach.

"Whoa! Holy shit- that was a super ninja save," Liz laughs and looks over at me where she had fallen and landed on her back.

"And I totally killed my elbow," I groan, rolling over and holding my elbow, but at least I hadn't landed on my stomach. I didn't know how the whole pregnancy thing worked, but I'm almost positive that landing on my stomach so hard would have hurt the baby.

"Oh well," she laughs, standing then helping me up, "let's go to my room."

Once we got to her suite I collapse on her bed, sighing loudly.

"Now, what was so important that you had to tell me before anyone else?" She asks, laying down next to me and turning to me with a smirk on her face.

"Okay, well I'm not just going to throw it on you right away...." I say, sitting up, she follows.

"Can we just catch up for a little? It's been two months, I've missed you," I plead, really nervous to tell her. I had no idea what she was going to think.

"Are you kidding me? You can't just tell me you need me to evacuate the hotel of the boys -which was an insanely hard task when they all want to see you too- because you need to tell me something important and then want to just "catch up", it doesn't work like that," she tells me, and I sigh, placing my head in my hands.

"You're going to-" I stop my sentence, not sure how to start this off. My stomach twisted and I felt my heart pick up pace, I didn't know how she'd react.

"Is everything okay, Delilah?" She asks me, placing a hand on my back as I try hard not to cry.

"No," I say, lifting my head from my hands and wiping my eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asks warily, I look at her. Her features were contorted in a confused, but caring sort of way and I take a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant," I spit out, and she looks at me for a second and blinks, then bursts out laughing.

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