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There was only two people in the playground today, a father with black hair and freckles, and his son with green hair and freckles.

"Papa! Look at the pretty flower!" The greenete yelled, letting go of his father's hand and running up to the yellow flower, his father following after him.

"Oh it's a dandelion!" The man said as he crouched down with his son "A dandelion? That's a silly name" the man let out a chuckle.

"Well, yes Izuku, lots of flowers have silly names like the Bastard Toadflax" the greenete, Izuku, started laughing "Bastard Toadflax?!"

"Yes, the Bastard Toadflax, don't let your grandma hear you say that" he said while ruffling Izuku's hair. "Can I give this to grandma?" Asked Izuku while pointing to the flower "I think she'll like it!"

"Well then if you thing she'll like it, she probably would" the older male picked the flower and handed it to his son "I, Hisashi Midoriya, father of the great, Izuku Midoriya, and first son of Yua Ito, puts my full trust into you to carry this dandelion on a journey full of adventure, do you accept this quest?" Hisashi said with a silly smile.

Izuku stood up straight and saluted his father "I accept your quest!" He said with a determined look on his face.

"Very good, for now on you have the responsibility to take this beautiful dandelion to your grandmother" Hisashi watched with a soft smile as Izuku started giggling looking at the flower.

"Daddy! Look it's a bug!" Izuku yelled as he watched a yellow and black beetle looking thing fly past him "That's a bee Zuzu! They help make the flowers grow"

Izuku watched as the bee landed on another nearby dandelion "Help the flowers grow? How do they do that?" Hisashi hummed in thought "In all honesty Zuzu I don't really know"

"Magic.." the greenete whispered as he watched the bee fly to another flower.

Hisashi chuckled and picked his son up, "Let's head back to grandma before she starts telling me off" Hisashi said as he started walking off.

Izuku looked back to where the bee was "Bye bye magic bug!" He yelled


Yeah ❤️ it's short

Bumblebees Are Out {Deku au}Where stories live. Discover now