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(The spanish is all google translate, i wont take responsibility for mistakes)

chapter 1

Your heart was pounding, your hands were shaking and your knees were weak. New things troubled you, made you almost anxious. Like college.

It was your first day of your third semester as you were studying design. When you had started dedicating your life on your projects you were still living in y/h/c (your home country), in a very small yet incredibly expensive apartment in the middle of the city with your best friend.
Everything was going perfectly fine, your grades were good and all your projects turned out the way they were supposed to.
But after one year of going to Uni, it bored you. A bad habit of yours. You got bored very easily and needed an immediate change.
It took a good amount of 5 weeks until your professor announced you could take a semester abroad in Madrid, Spain.
Your Spanish wasn't exactly what you'd call fluent but it was good enough to understand the basics.

A week before your time to leave had come you fortunately found a tiny little one room apartment somewhere outside the center for an affordable price.
It wasn't quite fancy or anything but since you were a creative person, you were sure you could still make something out if it. Your parents had promised you to help you out with some money if you cant find a job to make you pay your bills. But besides that, the university was totally free for you because of your uni's connections back home.

And thats how you ended up here right now, staring at the huge doors of this tremendously big modern building in the middle of Madrid.
First day of Spanish university. Your classes were all in English which gave you a little bit of hope.
After taking a deep breath you opened the heavy white, wooden door and stepped inside just to be met with a dozen students walking through the halls, trying to find their class.
You didnt know where to go either but for your sake there was a campus map to your right that told you exactly where to go for your first class. Photography arts.
You loved photographing, finally taking that course excited you a lot.

By the time of 8:22 you reached the lecture hall and took a seat in one of the corners. You noticed that there weren't many students here yet which surprised you since classes start at 8:30 sharp.
You took out your Laptop to take some notes just in case and crossed your legs to observe the room a little before the professor came in.
In the next 5 minutes more and more students walked into the hall and found themselves some seats. A dark skinned girl with dreads and a septum piercing sat down behind you and smiled at you while passing by.
She looked amazing, you thought to yourself.
Checking out the other people you started asking yourself if they were all exchange students from non spanish-speaking countries.

Suddenly the second seat to your right got flipped down and a dark haired, brown eyed boy sat down, placing his backpack on the floor.
You tried to be nice and smiled.
He was cute, you thought and checked out his outfit.
He was wearing dark lightly washed out jeans and a white shirt. You immediately noticed the silver chain dangling off his neck.
He gave you a quick smile before grabbing his own laptop and putting it on the table in front of him.

Looking down you noticed that his phone had fallen out of his bag when he took his laptop out. But before you could indicate anything the door got slammed close and an old woman walked up to the desk in the middle of the hall.

„Welcome class of 2019. My name is Profesora Rodriguez and in this semester i'll be teaching you the arts of modern photography. I'm assuming you've taken photography classes before so I'm going to spare you the details of basic skills you have to possess."
She seemed like a very strict yet kind of sweet „teacher" and you were sure she was going to teach you a lot about the topic you really wanted to know more about.

*time skip, after class*
Profesora Rodriguez endet the course about 2 hours later and the students started to leave the lecture hall very quickly.
Slowly you packed your laptop and your notebook back in your bag, taking your time since he door was stuffed anyways. The guy who had sat close to you had been one of the first to leave the hall, but unfortunately you had forgotten to tell him about his phone being on the floor.
It was still there.
You grabbed your bag and then bent down to pick up his black iPhone.
You actually wanted to take it to a professor since you didnt even know his name.
As you walked out the door shortly after, it rang.
The display showed a weird looking phone number and a name. Arón.

You let it ring for a bit and then decided to pick up to maybe ask this person where his friend could've gone so you could return the phone as fast as possible.
„Hello?" you asked.
You didnt get an answer immediately but then a voice spoke:"Itzan? Quién eres tú?" -„Oh I'm sorry I dont speak Spanish. I found this phone on the floor in photography class. Do you know where I could find your friend?"

The guy coughed once before replying:"He is going to training now but we wanted to meet.. maybe you could come there too?" You nodded even though he of course couldnt see that. „Yes of course, where is that?"
The deep voice then told you the address which you put in google maps to make sure you'd find it.
He as well told you to come there by 12:30 so you still had some time to maybe get some food inbetween.
„Oh thanks so much! Im sure your friend will thank you for setting this up."
He laughed a little and then spoke:"I'm sure he will thank YOU for bringing him his phone."
You chuckled back and then hung up to finally return to your apartment, grab a snack and text your mom about your first day of college in Spain.

*time skip to 12:35*
Nervously you were waiting for the guy who had lost his phone at the location his friend told you about.
You were standing in front of a restaurant somewhere in Madrid, holding onto your purse and his phone as if your life depended on it.

It took about 5 minutes until you recognized his face again and approached him. He looked confused as you were walking up to him.
„Hey! I found your phone in class before and your friend called and told me to come here to give it back."
You held out his phone.
He smiled brightly.
„Ay dios mio, thank you so much! I was sure i would never find it again."
His eyes were sparkling at you and he pulled you in a short hug.
„No problem, your friend was really nice." you smiled at him.
„What friend?" He asked out of curiosity before putting his phone back in his pocket.

„Yo." a voice behind you spoke. „Ay hermano! Gracias por llamarla!" (hey bro, thanks for calling her)
You turned around. And thats when you saw him for the first time.
„Arón, encantado."

finally fallin' (arón piper short story)Where stories live. Discover now