Chapter 1

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I woke up to a slight high pitch scream. My eyes slowly opened, even though the scream should have made me jump into action.

Once my eyes adjusted to the lighting, I slowly sat up looking around. Where am I? The walls around me where covered in green ivy, But the walls where also hundreds of feet high. The sky was darkening by the second more and more.

"Hello?," I screamed out standing to my feet slowly. I leaned against the wall as everything began to slowly spin around me. What is going on? Where am I? WHO am I? I quickly hid behind the wall next to me as the sound of feet hitting the ground came near me.

"I swear I heard somebody," a guy said making my breath hitch and him to spin around and look around.

"Minho come on, the walls will close soon and you do not want to spend another night out here do you?," a guy yelled making me scramble out into the opening.

"Please.. H-help me," I stuttered looking into there eyes. The one you yelled at the Minho guy ran over to me and picked me up throwing me over his back.

"Minho let's go now!," he yelled taking off making me hold onto him just a little tighter. A whimper left my lips as we (or mostly they) ran turning left and right like they belonged here.

I gasped as we reached an opening in the maze, making the two boys run faster than before. I watched as the walls slowly started to close making me hold onto the boy carrying me tighter.

"Minho!!," he yelled as we Squeezed our way through the gap all of us barely making it.. Once the boy set me down I collapsed breathing heavily like the world was crushing me all at once.

"Woah what's going in with her?! She didn't even run but she's breathing like she ran all day!," Minho yelled making me look up at him with watery eyes.

"Shit.. Tomas take her to the med-jacks. Now!," he yelled making the Tomas boy pick me up and quickly take me to a big wooden building.

He set me on this nice comfy bed making me gasp for more air. My lungs literally felt like they where ready to explode at any minute. Another boy came in and quickly grabbed a tube of something and jabbed it into my chest making me scream out in pure pain.

Minutes last and my lungs still felt like they where on fire..

But then all at once it all stop. Everything. The sweating, the pain, the fire in my lungs, it all stopped and made my body go limp against the bed.

"She'll be alright," the guy who injected me announced to a now room full of boys.

"What's her name?," a guy with blonde hair asked standing out I front of everybody.

"It looks like.. Kate," the guy said lifting up something around my neck. Just then I realized I had a name tag.. Really? I slowly sat up ignoring the guys protest.

"Where am I?," I whispered looking at the man who asked what my name was.

"The Dome as we call it, a maze inside a dome to where there is no possible way to escape," he said being completely honest with me. I shivered, then sneezes making somebody wrap a blanket around me.

"T-thank you," I mumbled making him nod slightly.

"W-where are the two boys who saved me?," I whispered looking up at the guy again.

"Minho and Tomas!," he yelled making the two boys step in front of everybody. I slowly got to my feet stumbling with the dizziness covering my eyes.

I quickly wrapped Thomas into a hug mumbling a small thank you. Then did the same with Minho, but with Minho I collapsed again but this time out of tiredness.

"Let's get you to bed green bean," he mumbled making me look at him funny.

"We call all newbies that," he lightly smiled making me nod and curl up into a ball on the bed and close my eyes.

"What are we going to do?," I heard Minho whisper as they thought I was asleep.

"Kill her?," a random voice called out making a ring of 'shhh's to go through the room.

"No.. Let her rest. She woke up IN the maze.. That's not something that happens everyday. She was probably out there for a couple days looking at how tan she is..," a voice whispered

"That means she survived a couple nights out there?," another voice whispered.

"Second person too," another whispered.. And before I could hear anything else a dreamless sleep came crashing down on me..

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