A Different Christmas

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“Josephine, time to open the presents” Mum called.

“But Mum today doesn’t feel right having Christmas without dad” I called back.

“Well we have to make the best of it! He left this place you know” Mum believed. I was sick of her getting angry at herself because dad has left. “Josephine just come and watch your brother opening the presents then we can talk it over tomorrow” I was very reluctant to go to but I did it for her sake. After we opened all of the presents Mum and I went to tuck Max in bed. Normally, I would scare him with a little scary story, but today felt different. I walk out the room and closed the door. Then I heard a scream from the bathroom, Max and I raced to the bathroom door. I saw mum lying on the floor pale white, insides pulled out and spattered blood everywhere. No need to cover Max’s eyes, he had already seen the damage. Someone put something over our mouths and we fell to sleep not before I notice he had two big eyes that were pink.

When I woke up, I tried to look for Max; it was black “Max!” I screamed. Max replied “Yeah what do you want?” I followed the voice to my right and found a sun roof. I could see him clearly. He had a couple of black eyes and a few bruises on his arms and legs. “What happened to you?” He didn’t realize that I was so near and he jumped

“Listen, I am not who you think I am” Max explained I tried to talk but I could not “Don’t bother trying to talk I have put a spell on you to listen. Listen to me.” That was the first time ever that I was scared of my little brother. “I am not who you think I am. I am your father. The man that took us is your uncle who I paid to be your father for your sake. 5 year after you were born, I was turned back in time to a baby I could talk, walk, like a normally person but I was a baby. Now inside I am 100 years old but on the outside I am only 9.” I was so confused. How could Max be my dad? How can stop me talking? “I know what you are thinking I always have. Before the curse was made, I was King of another world you have to go back and become Queen before my brother kills me and takes my place as King. There is not much more time left. Next time he comes in run out of here and into the bathroom. There is a hole behind the bath. Pull out my ring and a piece of paper which will tell you where to go and put in your pocket. Don’t put it on it is like a tr…….” I wasn’t really listening to him but the sound of footsteps stopped him. The doors swung open and there stood my pink-eyed uncle. He went to grab Max. I ran if I stayed I could have helped. Thought rushed around my mind too many to count. I ran to the bathroom just like Max said, there was a hole behind the bath and there was a very pretty ring and a piece of paper. I put both the ring and the piece of paper in my pocket.

I ran for hours till sunset and decided to get some rest but not before I knew where I was going in the morning. I pulled the piece of yellow paper out of my pocket it read;

To go to the land of Morket,

Make this piece of paper into an airplane,

Fly then jump in.

I made the piece of paper into and airplane and threw it. The airplane grew larger and larger then stopped moving but still grew. When it was a big as a house it stopped growing and a person jumped out.

“Hello King Maxwell it’s been a long tim…. Who are you?” The Mouse like person asked

“I am Josephine, and I think I am the King’s daughter.” I replied

“I need proof before you get in this plane” I put my hand in my pocket and took out the ring. His eyes winded “You’re the little baby girl, Josephine is it? I would put that ring away” I took his advice, put the ring in my pocket and nodded.

“Thank-you um….?”

“Call me Rick”

“Well thank-you Rick, let’s get going” I got into the plane and it was luxurious, red leather seat with cream leather walls and glass tables. I sat down and magically my favorite foods and drinks appeared.

“This is Chuck, anything that you are having trouble wishing he will help” Rick explained and pointed to another mouse look person, who bowed

“This fight will take about 10 days so have a safe journey and if you want to play a game of some sort please go upstairs and there is about 20 ladies and men up there who will give you a masseuse or a game and baseball just ask” Rick continued explained while I ate and relaxed.

The plane trip went so quickly. I kept on thinking about when I lift my dad to die

“Don’t give up hope I believe in you” said a voice. Where did that voice come form? Rick walked next to me bowed and said “We are arriving in about an hour do you want me to notify Morket to tell them that you are coming, madam?”

“Yes but just my family and the people in my household should be the only ones to know.” I instructed. Rick walked back to the cabin and we landed safely. Waiting for me was a carriage but had no horses to pull it. I got inside and I invited Rick in and came. An hour or so later Rick whispered

“That’s your new home” he point out the window and I saw and Ice palace that seem so warm and homey. A fire seemed to be in the heart of the palace. As we came o the gates of the palace there was a lady crying but she seemed to be smile for a reason. I got out and she ran to me. Before I knew she was crying on my shoulder.

“I’m dying please find a husband by the end of the year and I’ll be happy to leave you with a nice man and too know deep in my heart the you are cared for, Rosalina” She said crying

“It’s that my name Rosalina? Before I moved the other world?” I blankly asked

“Yes your father changed it so you would be safe in the other with him. Now promise that you will find a strong and worthy husband”

“Ok I promise but I will need your help”

“Anything to help” The Queen let go of Josephine and kneeled with that everyone kneeled to Josephine.

“Rick make banner saying that I need a husband that is strong, smart and has leadership skills the men should come down to the palace tomorrow for a competition,” I explained while pointing to Rick

“You got it!” Rick yelled as he ran off

“Mum, you prepare the competition fields with these things and this floor plan” I handed the Queen the plans. Now all I had to do is help the Queen and put on the ring. I put on the ring and I fell with the power it contained.

The next day, 1,124 men came to the fields for the competition.

“My daughter needs a husband; the winner of this competition will become her faithful companion but where is a women of such beauty” The pointed towards the roof where I was. I waved to all of the men “But how will you get the beautiful soul, by climbing the rope ladder.” She pointed to the 2,248 of string pieces “When you win an event you get a piece of wood which will get you closer to the lady. There are 50 events and up need to win 15 events to reach” 25 events later, my uncle came; I heard his name was Johnny. He stole some wood and made a full ladder

“Help, help, can anyone rescue me from this maniac, Help, he is trying to kill me please some one help.” I screamed 500 men tried to come up the ladder first. The first man that came up had bright blue eyes, light brown hair and very cute. He was may husband to as he threw Johnny off the ledge.

“What is the name of my son in law?” the Queen screamed from below

“Peter, Prince of Quarket” Peter screamed back

“Thank-you for saving my life, Peter” I said. That night we got married in the great hall and Peter stop the Queen from dying but we still became King and Queen. When I look back on it, I was have Christmas then about year later I was the Queen of Quarket and Morket so life turned out good for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2012 ⏰

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