LWSADW: My God Dean, you can't just sleep wherever you want!

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“That was so awesome! I loved it. And how I killed that wendigo – I’m so epic”, I was jumping and laughing, while Sam unlocked our room in the motel.

We just got back from my first hunt. We were all very tired. I was wearing some tight black jeans, grey shirt with some print on and my leather jacket.  

“Yeah, you did it pretty well”, Dean said walking behind us. Sam glared at him.

“Pretty well? She saved your ass”, Sam stated. Dean pocked his tongue at him.

“Bitch”, Dean said to Sam.

“Jerk”, Sam replied immediately, walking to the bathroom. I laughed and walked into the room.

“Ugh, I’m so tired”, I said throwing myself at the bed. I was just about to fall asleep when Dean jumped on the bed.

“Don’t sleep. Pack up, we need to hit the road”, he said, smirking.

“Oh, come on. I was up all night!”, I frowned.

“Don’t care, pack up”, he said shaking his head.

I got up from the bed all grumpy and started packing. I reached for my shirt which was standing next to my bag and she moved itself. Not again. This used to happen to me a lot these days, but I haven’t told anyone.

“Damn it”, I murmured.

“What?”, Dean asked, his eyebrows raised.

“Oh, nothing”, I said, nervously grinning. I thought that Sam would be better to speak about those things than Dean, but he wasn’t in the room. “Um, where is Sam?”

“In the bathroom, I think?”

“Great”, I groaned.

“Okay, what’s up with you?”

“Nothing, I already told you”, I said, picking the shirt and packing it in my bag. I glanced at him and found him starring at me. “What?”, I asked.

“Nothing”, he said after a long silence. He had puzzled look, which was turning into suspicion, and after that we were just glaring at each other. No one spoke a word. In that moment Sam got out of the bathroom. He was wearing only his pants.

“Awkward silence”, he murmured.

“Well, not anymore”, I said and closed my bag. “Um, Dean, the bathroom is free.”

“So?”, Dean asked, looking confused.

“Don’t you want to go to the bathroom?”, I asked motioning my head to the door. Come on, Dean, take a hint.

“No”, he said, slowly shaking his head. Oh, well…

“Yes you do”, I said glaring. He finally understood.

“Oh, oooh, I really have to go…to…that bathroom”, he said pointing his finger to the door. I nodded.

When he left, Sam and I were the only one left in the room.

“Sammy, I did it again”, I said, with a dash of annoyance in my voice. He was wiping his hair with a towel, and then looked at me. He had puzzled look on his face.

“You did what?”, he asked.

“I don’t know how to call it, those witchy stuff, mojo crap or whatever”, I said fast. I was very concerned. These stuff were starting to be a bit annoying. 

“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out. What happened?”, Sam asked, worry revealing in his eyes.

“I was packing and I moved some shirt. Why are these things happening to me? It’s not like I don’t have my own problems. I was okay with this going on, but then it just started to bother me”, I groaned. “And to make things worse Dean hates me doing that. But he doesn’t understand that I can’t stop it.”

Living with Sam and Dean WinchesterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon