thirty two

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"Well," Renjun narrowed his eyes skeptically as the two separate friend groups congregated to eat breakfast together, "You two look.....happy."

Donghyuck was smiling like an idiot as he tried to calmly eat his toast. Mark, much the same, was 'subtly' kicking the younger's ankle beside him. They weren't stealthy at all, and everyone could see the shift in attitudes.

"I had a good night," Donghyuck hummed, pretending as though the ravenette beside him didn't take a huge part in that. Mark nodded along, crunching on cereal and coming off as too enthusiastic to be awake at half six in the morning.

"So, I'm assuming you slept last night?" Jaemin probed, yawning unceremoniously and all but half invested in the conversation.

"Something like that," the oldest murmured, and Jeno could only watch with an arched brow. The pair were so obvious, it would've been sad had it not been so long awaited and cute.

Donghyuck slid his hand under the table and laced it with the boy's beside him, both having promised each other not to make their relationship public just yet. Mark would've been fine with it, yet Donghyuck still wasn't entirely sure what this would all mean.

Even so, the insomniac was quite content with holding hands, hiding, pretending even. As long as he had Hyuck, everything else could wait to be solved.

"You know, I had this weird ass dream last night," Jeno sighed tiredly as he rubbed his eyes for emphasis.

"Care to share?" Jisung frowned.

"Well, I think Donghyuck and all his research and books has been getting to me. I swear I'm losing my mind..."

"Research?" Mark questioned, turning to his secret lover. "What research?"

"Absolutely nothing," Donghyuck chuckled dryly, urging Jeno to continue his actual story.

"Anyway, he's been going on about boys liking boys an awful lot, and somehow I dreamt of Renjun. Literally, I could almost feel him on top of me-"

"Bro, that was real!" Jisung spat out a harsh laugh, slamming his hands down on the table consecutively and causing the bowls and spoons to rattle. "He was sleep walking again."

"No!" Renjun gasped, covering his mouth, "I didn't pull a Donghyuck, did I?!"

"What does that even mean?!" Donghyuck hissed, turning to look at Mark. "Hang on, do they know?!"

"I swear, I'm not into Renjun," Jeno begged, "It was more of a nightmare, really-"

"Oh gee, thanks!" The Chinese boy snapped, "Glad to know I'm so unappealing!"

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now