Let's Start With My OTP.

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[REDACTED] x Schmitty of course!

And ffs it's not Stockholm syndrome. Idk where people got the idea that this is why people ship them, but I've been shipping them way before the second game.

Anyways, so I like these two a lot because of their connection. Jesus they always seem to be together. They were in TMP 1 & 2 together and YDKJ together. Also, Brad technically saved Schmitty from Binjpipe. (But they want to keep their relationship secret, of course, so he had to pretend he was kidnapped.)

Think back to TMP 1. Did you notice how in the host reveal that Schmitty and Brad seem embarrassed to be caught together? That's how I knew they were dating in secret. Plus, he's back for Quiplash 3, and Sandy couldn't have rescued him, and Cookie couldn't have. And pretty much no one else I can think of likes him, so Brad let him go.

Plus, they go through the same problems. Their wives both left them, they both have daddy issues, and plus poor Brad got his kiddos taken from him. He needs somebody to care for and love. (He is like the gayest serial killer in all of existence lol)

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