Mystery Story

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A short story, took over a month. Hope you like it!!!

I peeked to the left side of my head, as I slowly tip toed over the crackling gravel. Just down the weaving path would be fate. Bad fate. I had to move quickly, or the sun would reveal my hiding spot. There was an abandoned, old decrepit mansion a couple of blocks away, that I was trying to find, for shelter. In front of it was a red steel mailbox with the paint peeling off. That was the absolute only house on the other side of the forest. I rushed as I passed through the tangling brush. If I had spent at the most, 30 more minutes running, the sun would catch me, and my enemy would find me, or hunt me down. I passed through a bunch of old, leaning trees, and stepped on a rotten branch. I turned my head to see behind me. Terror struck my eyes, as I saw glaring, hazel eyes, and bushy hair about 10 meters away. I had thought the snapping sound traveled for miles, but after a few seconds, I started to run like a chicken. I shoved a tree out of the way, and looked through a hedge, a hedge, surrounding my shelter. "Let's climb." I mumbled. If I spent10 more minutes climbing, and I'd be as good as dead. Good as dead.  

I stood on top, for a moment, until I slipped and fell onto the ground. My elbow bled and I had severe scratches along my leg. I had made it to the other side though. Just across the street stood the mail box, and the house. "Look both ways," I uttered. The house isn't just any ordinary house. A town rumor says it's a scary, haunted and magical house. I ran across the street and hid behind a tree right in front of the door. 

My heart raced, and slowly calmed down. I went around to the back of the house and I closed the wooden gate. Red, brown, orange, and yellow leaves were scattered on the grass. I took a little coat hanger lying on the floor, and I bent it into a long metal stick. I poked it under the window, and turned it onto the lock. Of course, no one was home, it was an abandoned home, but I wanted to keep a low profile. I pulled the hanger back, and rotated it vigorously. The latch clicked, and I slid the window about 2 feet open.  

I clicked the window shut and I slowly stepped into what I thought looked like a kitchen. The calendar said October 30th, 2011. I stood on my toes as my jaw dropped right down. That was today's date! I was opening the window when I heard steps. I walked to the living room, and I hid behind a purple, faded pillar. Footsteps coming from a staircase I had heard. I snuck to the back of the living room, and I poked my head out. 

I had waited, and there was no sound. I started to tip toe again, when I heard more steps. I began to escape. I jumped out the window, and closed it shut. I stopped in my tracks. There I stood, very startled and afraid. I felt confused, and scared, as I perked my head like a bird, and saw the wooden gate, swiveling back and forth on the hinge. 

There I stood, hiding behind the same bush I was just at five minutes ago. I thought to myself, how could this happen? I thought that the house was abandoned! I thought my enemy was lost in the forest! But still, a stranger stood in front of me, nice or mean, my instinct told me to run away.  

After running for a while, I had realized that the sun was coming up, and it lightened up the forest. I ran farther and farther, and I looked for help, or home. As I walked in desperation, hungry and thirsty, I saw the stranger. I saw the stranger. He stared into my eyes and walked over and said before I ran away "Liam?" I didn't say a word, and my mind went blank.  

It was October, and I was with a group of my friends, and we were quenching action and entertainment. We walked down our street and were pulling high ollies on our skateboards at 9:00 at night, and we were having a contest to see who could land the highest ollie. I had won the contest by about 3 inches. My friend was sitting on the curb, with his skateboard lying on the road, as it rolled down the street slowly. It bumped into the curb and flipped over and got wedged between a branch and a pole. We pulled and tugged, but it wouldn't come out, and so we all tugged at once, and it snapped in half. It all went downhill from there. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2013 ⏰

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