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5:20 PM - Yoongi's studio
Author POV

Yoongi was in his studio working on his new single, he still had almost a month to work yet his stress piled up everytime he got the beat of a part wrong or miscounted. He was also stressing about the outfit and makeup even though Bang PD and the rest of the crew would choose that for him.

5:46 PM - BTS dorm

Jin was worried about Yoongi, he was like the appa to the group, worried and cared as much as humanly possible. Yoongi often stressed about his music and stayed in his studio for a couple days at a time, he didn't really watch out for himself since he was so distraught and distracted, that Jin knew. He decided to give his dongsaeng a quick call to check up on him.

5:50 PM - Yoongi studio

Yoongi's phone buzzed which made him jump since, for the past few hours, he had no noises other than his computer and mouse clicks as well as occasional sighs/huffs/etc.
He groaned and picked his phone up, answering ''Yes, Jin Hyung?''
(J) ''How are you doing Yoongi? Need food or anything?''
(Y) ''No, Hyung. I'm okay. I'll head home in a couple hours.''
(J) ''Yoongi-ah, you overwork yourself. Come home in at most an hour, got it?''
(Y) ''Hyung, I need to at least get further than I was yesterday on my song and it's going to take a couple more hours''
(J) ''You're song sounds great as of yesterday Yoongi. You need to rest and eat properly not just those dinky cup noodles I know you have stacked away in your studio. Please, come home in an hour.''
(Y) ''Fine, and hey my cup noodles are not dinky. I'll see you in an hour Hyung.'' He chuckled over the phone
(J) ''Good, yes they are. See you then Yoongi-ah'' They hung up the phone and Yoongi sighed once more, slouching in his chair. He began to work before the time ran out and his Hyung would expect him home.

7:16 PM - Yoongi studio

Yoongi had barely stopped his work and packed up, realizing it was over the line of being an hour, Jin would be expecting him to walk in the dorm door any second now. He rushed a bit as he got his bag he brought to the studio with him and glanced at his little space box before walking out of the room and locking the door. ^Dont regress right now, Yoongi. Not a good time.^ He walked out of the BigHit Entertainment building and went to his car, driving to the dorm.

7:33 PM - Bangtan Dorm

Yoongi had arrived and went in the dorm, kicking his shoes off lazily as he slipped off his black hoodie, starting to walk to his room before Jin stepped in his way.


I heard the dorm door open and close and saw a tired Yoongi taking his shoes off, before he went to his room i stepped in front of him and crossed my arms
''Yah, Yoongi-ah, you were supposed to be here like fourty minutes ago.''
Yoongi sighed and replied in a tired tone ''Hyung, I got caught up in time. I still got here though, now let me take a shower and sleep.''
Jin scowled, not that he was upset with his dongsaeng, but because he worried about him a lot. ''Alright, but you're getting up in the morning to eat my amazing breakfast with the others.'' Yoongi gave a minor laugh ''Okay Hyung. Goodnight, dont wake me up with ur giant feet pounding on the ground when you come to bed.''
Jin gasped and huffed ''Whatever, goodnight.'' He smiled after.

Yoongi made his way to take a shower and sleep after a long days work, thinking about having a paci in his mouth and cuddling Snowflake (his only white kitten stuffie) made him regress into a nights sleep.

7:18 AM - Bangtan Dorm
Yoongi POV

I was woken up by a confused but excited looking Jin. I opened my eyes to a feeling of slight comfort and realized my thumb was in my mouth, I nonchalantly took my thumb out and put it under the covers. ''Yoongi, wake up. I'm about to make breakfast and then we're all going to go out for a day.'' He smiled, ignoring that he witnessed baby like actions from his dongsaeng. ''I'll eat with you guys but then I have to go work on my music in my studio.'' Jin huffed ''No, Yoongi. You're going to stop working so hard and spend a day with your friends. Okay?'' I rolled my eyes but groaned out a 'fine'. Jin smiled once again ''Okay, I'm going to start cooking now.''

7:45 AM - Yoongi

I headed to the kitchen to smell cooked food Jin had made, seeing everyone in the kitchen with plates in front of them at the table. Jin got me a plate as he sat down, I got some food and ate with everyone else whilst I kept thinking about the morning. ^Jin Hyung saw my thumb in my mouth, what if he asks?^ I tried pushing the thoughts away as a conversation built about where all we were going after we ate.

7:59 AM - Yoongi

In Jin and I's shared room, I was playing on my phone in bed until Jin Hyung calmly stepped in and shut the door, walking to me and sitting on my bed beside me. I sat up and cocked an eyebrow at him. ''Yoongi-ah, just a quick chat. What was with you having your thumb in your mouth this morning?'' My breath hitched and I went slightly pale but I tried playing it off, I couldn't have Any of them finding out. ''Ah, nothing Hyung. Probably a weird body glitch or something, you know? I'm sure it was just something random.'' I smiled and Jin nodded ''Okay, well I'm going to take a shower then get dressed, make sure you're ready okay?'' I nodded and kept my smile before he walked into the bathroom and I heard the water turn on. I frowned and let out a deep breath I was unaware I held. ^No, Hyung...I know what it is. I can't say it though.
Its a secret.^

(A/N) AhHjhhHHHHhhhabdb.
Okay, first chapter I've ever writen and put out so don't be harsh plez ;w;
anyways, more chapters to come :3

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