thirty three

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Another three weeks passed, creating a total of two months in which the boys had hidden everything. Yes, they had done a poor job of it, but it was definitely about time that their friends were handed the truth.

Donghyuck's main concern laid within the fear of what people would think. What they would say. Everything he told people, fought for and lied about all seemed so pointless and pathetic now.

Well, if you can't beat them, join them, the brunette told himself with as much self belief as he could muster.

The snow had all but melted outside, leaving gross muddy puddles, dreary weather, wet ground and no grass. Spring had finally hit, but recuperating after such a hellish winter was going to be harder than it sounded.

The school year was coming to an end, and students were brimming with excitement to go home, see their families, and rest after a long period of time at the school. Donghyuck, as usual, was stuck staying there.

The school always offered their dorms as a home away from home. Some students hadn't the luxury of visiting their families for various reasons such as living abroad, travel issues, or only being able to stay for a short while.

Donghyuck's parents were away in America for god knew how long, leaving him to rot in school for the majority of his pre-adult life.

"I couldn't sleep last night at all," Chenle yawned and lay back against his bed. Both Mark and Donghyuck decided to drop by their friends' room to see how they all were.

"Nightmares?" The oldest quizzed, crawling onto Jeno's bed and getting comfortable.

"No.....I think I've developed a fear of the dark, or something. The more I stared into it, the creepier it got."

Everyone giggled softly at his silliness, each occupying someone's bed, regardless of whether it was theirs or not. The sun was setting down into the horizon, flooding orange into the bedroom that was looking more and more barren each day. Clearly the roommates were organised and efficient when packing up useless belongings.

There were two weeks left of school, which meant two weeks left to pass exams and wish everyone a happy holiday until the clocks seemingly reset themselves, and the whole thing started again....just a year older.

"I'm going to spend as much time on my beautiful laptop at home as I possibly can," Jaemin sighed airily, flopped over his own mattress with Donghyuck sitting on the edge.

"I feel bad for your eyes," Renjun scoffed, envisioning his own time off to consist of sleeping, eating, and sleeping again.

It was a happy yet depressing time of year, really, when one thought about it. Nobody wanted to leave their friends for two months, especially when each of these rich heirs would never have the chance to 'casually hang out' together. But school was stressful no matter how the dice rolled, and a break was well needed.

So this encouraged bravery from Lee Donghyuck, and like Mark had been saying all along, it was time. So, clearing his throat nervously and sitting straighter, the teen attracted their attention.

"Guys, I think it's time to share something."

Mark looked over at him, tilting his head questioningly though receiving a look that said 'finally, this is it'. There was no way the younger could continue to let down the boy he had grown to feel so strongly for.

"Oh god, you guys haven't killed someone, have you?" Jisung sighed, "I had a nightmare about that once...."

"Okay, why the hell can none of us sleep like normal people?" Mark scoffed, "And no, just listen to what he has to say."

The other smiled softly, playing with the ends of his long sleeves and preparing the conversation in his head. "Look, I'm pretty sure you've all worked it out by now, and god knows we're terrible liars....but yes, Mark and I are together now."

To avoid a silence that nobody wanted, Jeno posed a logical question that would've explained a lot to them. "How long?"


"We know you haven't just started dating. So when? Two weeks ago? A month?"

"Two months ago," Mark cut in, standing up to trail slowly towards his boyfriend and sit with him. "We've been keeping it quiet since this guy isn't exactly gay."

Hyuck nudged his arm apologetically, though both knew that in order to take things seriously, there couldn't be this huge hiding ordeal weighing on their shoulders.

The other five exchanged knowing glances, having seen this coming from long ago. Even before they started going out. Heart eyes weren't exactly easy to cover up.

They all crowded in for a reassuring hug, mounting onto the new couple and squishing them into the bed with ridiculous noises. Air? Who needed air?

"Ahh! Guys, that's my arm!" Donghyuck cried out, though he was promptly ignored as the love continued to be shared.

"We hope you know that we don't care what you're into," Renjun chuckled amidst the chaos. "We're glad you're both finally getting along."

Mark smiled blissfully, pulling everyone into a hug, each latching onto each other and breathing heavily from the excitement.

A quick knock to the door made all seven look to the entrance where one roommate stood, staring at the pile of boys.

"Hey......" Renjun pursed his lips, suppressing a laugh.

"Honestly, you people are at it again," the kid rolled his eyes, closing the door again after walking away.

"He's always such a grump," Jaemin hummed, paying it no mind as the tackling continued.

Holding onto this youthful happiness was something they each intended do. For there would soon come a time when these dorms, these friends and memories would all be just that....


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Aight, the epilogue is up, so I hope you enjoy~

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now