LONG Louis Imagine

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This is the first one I ever wrote! No hate please. Comment what you think. N/A means your name.

 It's been exactly 2 years since Louis left. I was going ice skating and I bumped into someone falling down hard on my bum. 

"Sorr.... Louis?" My eyes started watering, remembering what happened 2 years ago. 


" Why did you cheat on me with that slut? " I asked Louis

" I didn't mean to! I was drunk. She came onto me! " Louis said sounding hurt

" I don't want to see you anymore. GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" With that Louis was gone. 

"I never want to see him again. " you thought.


I got my skates off and started running to my car. I was so close when I felt two strong arms around my waist. I started thinking " Don't look. Remember what he did. Don't turn around " I finally got out of his grip and went home.

* The Next Day *

I didn't want to leave the house ever again. Because I knew I would see him again.

I then heard a knock on my door. I slowly opened the door. Shocked. Louis was standing there looking at me with his sweet, puppy dog eyes.

" Can I... um... come in Aly? " he stuttered 

" Um.... I guess. " Sounding confused why he was here. 

" Aly I need to say, I've missed you. These last 2 years I wanted to come over and say sorry. But I didn't have the strength. I was weak, miserable without you. " Louis stated.

" Is that all you wanted to say is "Sorry"?

" Yes it is. I never wanted to hurt you. I thought you would be mine forever. " 

Louis then began walking out the door.

" Louis wait!" I called after him

" I believe you, that you never cheated. I should of talked to you before kicking you out. " I said

" Really? Good, I thought I never would get you back. I love you Aly. I always have and always will. 

" Aly you will always be my little carrot. " 

" And you will always be my boo-bear. I love you too. " I said giving him a hug and a kiss. 

After that you and Louis got back together.

* 5 years later "

He never let you out of his sight. He was with you 24/7. You guys eventually got married and had two kids. You finally got the fairy tale you've always wanted.

LONG Louis ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now