thirty four

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It was time to go home, which was evident throughout the school, since the exams were over, the weather had picked up, and the long year of education had finally ended.

The dorms were all cleared of personal belongings, well, most of them anyway. The odd handful that were condemned to stay put were all shuffled into one lavish dorm room for the two months off.

Donghyuck was one of them, and not proudly so. Everyone could sense how upset he was to be left alone again. Every year was the same old story for his parents, so school was pretty much home now.

As the brunette followed everyone towards the lobby after the farewell ceremony, he eyed all the suitcases, stray blankets, students on phones.... things that people ready to return home were doing. He wound his arms around his own torso, sighing dejectedly as he watched his friends horse around on the old stone floor.

"Mum, what do you mean you're pregnant?" Renjun hissed into his phone rested by his ear. "What?! No, I'm not elated! I like being alone!......Mum!"

"Of course I've been eating," Jeno sighed while on a call as well, "No, actually, I've been surviving on, better yet, I'm dead and this is a recording Jaem made."

At least their parents care....Hyuck thought, shifting his sights to his boyfriend who was texting someone. Most likely his parents as well.

Another ten minutes flowed by quickly, and eventually adults started to arrive. Boys of all ages raced towards them, seeking the freedom they brought. It was a mess, really, of teachers calling for order and everyone else ignoring them.

Noise. Laughter, clattering, yelling. It filled the entire area, all until people started filing out in large clusters. Siblings were bickering as they left, mothers eliciting early sighs when the fun had yet to begin.

When it all passed, there were only a few left.

"We'll see you guys next time," Jaemin waved, walking out after a round of hugs, and the others did much the same. Chenle seemed more than happy to get out of there, racing Jisung towards the gates childishly.

Ten was spotted outside the window, a tall and devilishly handsome boy with him smiling sweetly. Mark had learned that the stranger was willing to 'give it a go', so there were two happily ever afters.

And then there were two.

Mark faced his lover with soft features. "I'm going to miss you," he murmured, holding the teen's hands and placing a kiss to the backs of them.

"Same here, Sissyboy," Donghyuck chuckled, biting back the urge to beg him to stay. He didn't want to be left alone. Especially not when things were so perfect now.

"Make sure you look after yourself. Oh, and warn your new roommates about your somnambulism, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. We've been through it all-"

"I still worry...."

The brunette sighed sadly, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to the older's pouted lips. "I'll be fine."

Then, as Mark stepped back tentatively to leave, he couldn't bring himself to break away. His soul was tied here, even if he couldn't stay forever. The thoughts surrounding the younger being left here were brutal, and the ravenette could only stress over them.

All the same, Mark reluctantly started to walk towards the ajar double doors. Donghyuck watched his retreating back with slight distress, wringing his fingers and letting the guilt stack up too high. "Mark! Wait....."

When the older turned around, Hyuck swallowed hard and drew out the words he had never spoken to him before. "I....Look, I know I'm a terrible boyfriend, and an even worse friend. But I do love know that, right?"

Mark paused, looking rather taken aback at first before settling with a happy expression. "Of course I knew that. I love you too."

Leaving the male blushing and upset, the older walked out of the doors, a loud click resounding through the mostly empty school.

He was alone.

The teachers had all left, so had anyone else hanging around. There wasn't a soul around to stop the tears that had gathered at the corners of his eyes.

They fell tirelessly. Running and running like a centuries old river.

I should've told you to stay....

As Donghyuck turned around to leave, his shoulders slumped sadly along with the droplets of water dripping onto the ancient tiles by his feet. His eyes remained trained to the floor, unable to bring themselves to stay held high.

It all felt well and truly over until the door shuddered open once more. The patter of footsteps running up behind him were faster than his own reflexes.

Two arms wrapped around his torso, lots of little kisses getting thrown onto his unsuspecting cheek. Donghyuck froze, taking a hopeful deep breath before spinning around to face the boy. "Mark? Wh-What are you doing here? I thought-"

"It didn't take much convincing, but the car is waiting. Let's go and pack your stuff up, yeah?"

"Seriously, what are you-"

Mark rolled his eyes playfully, pulling him in for another hug and kiss. "Mum snd Dad said I can bring you home with me."

Is he.....for real? The younger had to wonder, reading the boy's expression for a while before deciding that there was nothing but honesty written there. This kindness was real. "Y-You make it sound like I'm some sort of lost puppy."

"Mmm. My puppy," he laughed, dragging his hand and running towards the doors in order to escape to the dorms.

Oh my god, Hyuck screamed internally, stop doing this to me....

I really won't know what to do when you aren't around.

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-The End-

Eeeey, we've made it to the finish line. Honestly, it felt like I started this yesterday....and I enjoyed every minute of writing it.

I hope you liked it guys, it was certainly a strange concept.

Thanks for reading,

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now