Chapter 1: Shaping the future

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>> I really think we shouldn't be here. This place is creepy! << said Sophia Ascart to her brother Nicol. >> Okay, Sophia, I won't leave you alone. << >> I'm just her to make sure that that disgusting citizen doesn't try to seduce my fiance again. << Don't tell Katarina Claes. >>> I would never do anything like that. Please come to your Sences Lady Claes! << Prince Gerod said the Villaness >> call Katarina! You have no right to speak to her like this because of what you did to her. I don't think I have to remind you that attacking someone with magic is a serious crime! << Katarina's answer>! You have no proof of it, secondly, it was not me. It couldn't even be me because of my weak magic. << Gerod was really angry with this answer. but he was also pleased because he already has a plan to throw his unloved fiance out of the picture so that he can marry Maria Campbell. He would prove her guilt in public that he would punish the girl, happily punish everything he had done in exile in the past 7 years, and keep everything from her, and that she would have to survive alone in the wild. Hopefully it will be eaten by a wild animal or end up in slavery. She wasn't a cutie like Maria, but a man would definitely enjoy her service, the sadistic prince laughed at it. >> I think I misunderstood you, you would never do something like that? This is basically what you do with EVERY single boy in the academy! << Maria is silent, but has a guilty expression on her face. >> Now is not the time for it! We have to investigate what this ruin is about, could be good, lady, dangerous, everyone knows that! << said Prince Alan. "I found a door," said Nicol. The door seemed unique, after Nicol looked at the door, it opened automatically. Now the student council and Katarina went through the now open door, where they are in a room that looks like none of them could tell them whether this space was built in the distant past or in the future. The entire room was painted over with strange symbols that looked like runes, but those none of them had ever seen in his life. "It's a bit dark, she thinks I could help," said Maria, activating her light magic to make the runes more visible. conclude. But now the runes started to glow in a sick green twilight. And it seems that they are sucking up Maria's magical energy. Keith, Alan, Jerald, Nicol and Mary jumped to Maria's side to remove them from the barrels while Katarina and Sophia stand in a corner and only watch them while Sirius Deek was lying on the floor as if he had fallen asleep. After a long struggle, she pulled Maria out of the ruins. And now the room is breathing heavily. But there was no pause in sight for them. Now the runes concentrate their glow on one point and create a portal of blue light. Three children fell out of the portal

two girls and a boy. The girls must be seven and six years old, and the boy appears to be at least nine years old. The two girls look absolutely adorable. Both the elders wore armor that gave her the look of a miniature knight princess, she had beautiful blonde hair that was as soft as silk, and the eyes in her golden eyes were so piercing that she could pierce every heart with them . The younger girl had light blue Harr that looked like water in a very calm lake. She also had golden eyes, but it was more like her eyes sucking in every soul than piercing her. She had an aura of wisdom, but was also very shy. She wore a white priestess robe with gold trimmings that made her look sacred and innocent. The boy looked good, but also very strange. He had cabbage black Harr. He had fairly pale skin. The girls' skin was pale too. but not unnaturally, his eyes were the most unusual in his appearance, or rather the fact that when you looked at him again, the two girls seemed to change color, each grabbing one of the boy's arms. The blue-haired girl clearly wants to hide behind her and is ashamed of her head, the other girl looks much more aggressive and starts the advice with obvious hostility. The boy was wearing a black suit that was very similar to Nicol's suit. The suit made him look a little older than he really was, and his keen eyes, the color of which changed, looked rough. He looked at the older student with extreme distrust. >> Tell me how are you? Why did you capture us Are you noble Citizen? Or maybe even soldiers? Do you think you can get away with it? If our parents find out that you are a criminal,you will be executed immediately! You will pay for this terrible deed! And if you even think about putting your fingers on one of my sisters, I'll kill you personally! << said the boy with undeniable hatred in his voice. Nicol was the first to speak to the boy >> Calm down, we didn't kidnap you, at least not on purpose, it was the result of a magical accident, so no one here will hurt you or your sisters. But we should introduce ourselves << Nicol explained all this very calmly to the boy so that he is afraid of him >> Okay! What ever! My name is Darien Claes, I am the Crown Prince, the greatest magician the face of this world has ever seen! and these two are beloved cute little sisters, the blonde is Princess Airi Campbell and the blue top is Princess L'eau Campbell. And if you hurt my sisters, you won't see it the next day! ... and now it is your turn! What do you call yourself << After the boy realizes that everyone takes himself, the idea of ​​his family is very strange ... >> What is  criminal? Do I have something on my face? Or did you really not know that you were starting the royal family? << Nicol was the first to regain his mental stability. >> You said your family name was Claes ... But you also said your sister's family name was Campbell? Why? << He asked the boy, >> that's easy, I have my mother and you had her from her mother Miri Dianna Claes and her husband Lugi Caes. And my sisters will say it themselves if they want to. << >> It is rare for Commoners to be invited to the Stuart Royal Magic Academy, but because it has light magic, Mama Maria was invited! But most girls didn't like her because she was a Commener, so she was bullied a lot, but it was also her happiest time in life because she got to know the love of her life, oh! She got the name Campbell from her mother Lucy Campbell. I don't know the name Grandpa because he thought his wife cheated on him with a noble after Mama Maria revealed her light magic, so I don't want to know him because he made Mama Maria cry so often that he even The last got a year even visited the palace and tried to kill Mama Maria, but the big brother killed this villain and saved Mama Maria! << Airi explained The three children looked very suspicious when they looked into the shocked faces of the student council >> that can't be << said Sophia limp. Nicol asked Maria >> true what he said so far or ...? > everything except the attempted murder ... I never thought that my father would ever go that far ... << Maria says shocked. >> Hello, what are you talking about? We are you! and if you keep more secrets from us, I think that would be a legitimate reason to kill them all! << Darien said angrily >> it's no secret, it's just a theory and you could help confirm it << Nicol calmed Darien again >> how? << asks >> what do you think about Prince Jeralt Stuard, III. Prince of the Stuart Kingdom? << Nicol asked the boy >> King Jeralt of the Stuart kingdom? Don't bother me with this IDIOT! He only became king because Jefery and Ian of his older brothers died in the war! He can't even protect his country from the Altizyra threat! If he ever allows anything like the Wyrmarothas incident again, I'll throw him off his drone and take over his beloved kingdom before he can move into the Abyss with himself! I would have done it if Mama Katarina hadn't spoken to me how this loser deserved a second chance, how she would have gotten one herself. I don't know what she meant by that, but I love Mama Katarina, so I didn't kill him, even if I really wanted to! << The student council was really shocked, it was FINALLY the son of Katarina Claes as everyone knew her! He said he would offer the kingdom, which would mean that he had a legitimate claim to the Trohn or at least was a royal family member, which would mean that Jeralt had to be his father, Nicol thought, but his sisters were Maria's children. Jeralt not only caught a cold in public as his own children, but could not simply include them in the royal family, which would be a scandal! But above all, he had to ask something! >> What do you think about Sophia? << Darien's reaction to this question was unusual compared to anything he'd shown so far, instead of getting angry, being arogant, or threatening to kill everyone, hehe flushed. His face turns fiery red >> La-Lady Ascart? << There was no longer a question, it couldn't be a coincidence, every single name was the same, everything made sense >> Little brother has a crush on Lady Ascart! He always talks about her and how her beautiful white hair is like a cloud in the sky or that his fire magic could never be as red as Lady Ascart's eyes. no matter how much he improves his fire magic. , even if he combines it with his wind magic! << the blonde girl explains >> you don't need to know the Airi! << who was ashamed of the boy >> wind magic? You said he was a fire mage? << Nicol asked: >> Um, all of us double magic bearers that I've heard it's really rare to be one? << The blue head said worriedly: >> RARE! ! ??? ... << Alan Stuart explodes with anger >> ... it is simply NOT a FUCKING possibility that each of Jera- von SEI- these children is a Dual Magic Wielder, that is not possible! << Prince Jeralt smiled happily and Nicol knew exactly why everything he heard now was a pleasure for his ears, he would become KING! He would overwhelm all his love rivals. Marry Maria, the first girl he has ever really loved, and he would have his foot in history as the first man to have THREE children with double magic! There doesn't seem to be a disadvantage in his future! Of course, one of them was Katarina's child, but judging by how much his sisters loved and trusted him and how careful he was, he seemed to have enough control over her, if not, she would never allow the relationship between them Kind and his half siblings are blooming, >> I wish the big brother wouldn't chase Lady Ascart ... I don't want him to get hurt! and he already has two fiancees who are too old for him. << said Léau in a broken shy voice, Darien hugged his sister and said >> don't worry, Lady Ascart is nice, even if she gives me a basket, she will do it in a way that doesn't hurt me, I know that I have no chance that she's in love with someone she couldn't have married before our parents have changed the law, so now polygamy, same-sex marriage, or before different races are allowed. << Darien explained >> The last one is good for the little brother because his two fiancés are a Vampire Queen and a dragon girl! << added Léau.

>> Darien, I think you and your sisters are from the future! << >> What? ??!? That can not be! << said the boy in shock. Nicol sat where Katarina, Maria and Gerod studied, the children kicked there. Future parents with caution, >> Mama Katarina? << Darien asked his mother, who was staring at her with her infamouse Villaness Glare, >> those sharp eyes this face is exactly what my mother looks like when she is angry! << Darien said excitedly! >> but i'm not sure if you have extremely weak earth magic and i mean really weak as if you could do nothing but a quake? << Katarina seems annoyed by this question >> Yes, I do! Is this a problem? << she said >> do you know why your earth magic is so weak? << >> because i'm just not good at magic and i don't even need it !!! << Katarina screamed at her son. >> that's wrong ... << Darien said clearly about his mother >> the reason is that you are a special mother, you are also a double magical bearer. You were born with two magical attributes and your second magical attribute eats your earth magic since you were born. You are the first person to be born with it. Usually you have to kill innocent people as a victim to achieve this magic! But you were just born with it! Normally, dark magic would have an unsatisfactory hunger that would eat up the child's vitality until it dies, but because the mother's dark magic feeds on her magic, the hunger was satisfied forever and it became quiet. >> That sounds vulnerable! << said Sophia, she couldn't 'I can't help but like the story that sounds like Romace's novel. She liked it when Darien >> Lady - Lady Ascart became a teenager ??? << he said and fainted. The Campbell Sisters  stopped kneeling their mother and jumped to her brother to help him. The student council decided to take him to the hospital room

>> So you really cheated on me with this Commoner girl !!! << Katarina pointed a finger at Jeralt and shouted in his face >> pfhe ... << was Gerod's answer Nicol tried to calm her down. >> look on the good side, your son seems to be very happy to have his sisters ... << >> .... And he killed Maria's father, even if he did it,to protect her<< Mary added. >> It doesn't matter, first we have to confirm whether Katarina, born with dark magic, is true, because if it is TRUE, there is no doubt that it is our children from the future! And the second dark magic is really dangerous and forbidden because we have learned that this ritual is the only way to get dark magic. So Katarina is really the only one in history who was just born with it! Even the king must know: <> Yes, it is. 's serious business <> You are a miserable Nicol Ascart. You let this and his bourgeois slut buy your loyalty, with the ability to legally fuck your own sister, and you're not playing the fool we all know why he changed the law! << now Jeralt felt an anger that he had never felt before >> KATARINA !!!!!! << he said angrily and came up to her to kill this godless witch with his own sword! >> STOP! << Mara said a step between the prince and his fiance and stood up to protect Katarina. Lady Claes doesn't understand why this man, the bourgeoisie who stole her husband, should protect her, it made no sense! The others seemed to be thinking the same thing, Jeralt was trying >> to ask Maria what ...? << >> Don't you dare! << This was the first time that one of them saw Maria angry and it was actually quite Terifing >> I like you very much, Prince Jeralt ... But you dare not do anything to prevent Darien's birth, my little girls love my brother very much and if I even suspect that you are trying to take away all this love and affection from them, you will pay for it! << Geord laughed and acted as if nothing had happened and said goodbye to his plan to ban Katarina. While the Claes daughter was ghostly pale and tumbled as if she were drunk.

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