The 4 am visit

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It was the middle of the night and Blues phone started buzzing he wondered who could be calling him at 4 in the morning

"Hello.." Blue says sleepily

"Hey Blue sorry I woke you but is it ok if I come over." Fell says quietly

"Do you mind if I ask why?"

"Well my brother and I were fighting a lot today and he kinda locked me out of the house..."

"Oh ok you can come over. Gotta go before Papy wakes up."

"Ok bye Blueberry" Fell says as he hangs up to call Error

"Hey Error"

"F-fell why a-are you calling s-so early"

"I need you to make a portal to the Swapverse for me"

"O-ok I'll d-do that"

About a minute later

Error comes out if the portal and makes another for Fell

"Thanks Error." Fell says as he steps trough the portal

"N-no p-problam" Error glitches

Fell knocked on Blueberry's door and waited for him to answer

"Hey Fell." Blue yawned "Come in."

Fell walks in and sits down on the couch while Blue follows him and sit next to him

"Do you mind If I sleep on the couch?"

"You can sleep in my bed if you wanna." Blue says half asleep

Fell blushes a little "if it's ok with y-"
Fell gets cut off by blue who layed his head on Fells shoulder and fell asleep

Fells P.O.V

I picked Blue up and carried him bridle style to his room and layed him on his bed, I layed next to him and he cuddled up against me

"Goodnight Fell."

"Goodnight Blue."

The next day

Blues P.O.V

I wake up kinda early and try to get out of bed but was held back by Fell who was still asleep holding me. I was blushing a little and shook him slightly to wake him up

"Fell, Fell get up." Blue whispered

"Goodmorning Blue." Fell says while sitting up

"Morning Fell I'm gonna go make breakfast ok."


When Blue and Fell were done eating breakfast Blue cuddled close to Fell

Fell blushed "B-blue what are you doing?"

"You're comfortable." Blue says snuggling closer

*Fells mind* "Jeez he makes it hard to hide my feelings for him if only I wasn't so scared to tell him

Blues P.O.V

I look up at the stairs and immediately jump off Fell


"Morning Bl-...WHATS HE DOING HERE!" Papyrus shouts as he comes down the stairs

"Papy it's not what you think Fell just got locked out of his house and asked if he could spend the night."

"Yeah well I dont trust him."

"C'mon hes not that bad of a person. Besides I let you go see Mettaton~." Blue teases

Papyrus blushed just by hearing his name "W-WELL I-......I hate you."

"Love you too Papy."(just to be clear I mean love like a brother)

"Anyway I'm going to Muffets see you later."


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