You waited on this day for so long now. You are going to meet Demi Lovato! You was so excited. You thought about what to say. You thought about how sexy she would look in her clothes. You thought about everything you can possibly think of at the moment. It was time. A nice men leads you to demi. You walk through a small hall and you can hear demi's voice. Your stomach twisted and your heart started to beat faster. And there she was standing in a small room. Looking hot in that skirt and crop top. "Hi, beautiful what's your name?" Demi said while walking towards you. "My name is y/n." You said while staring at her. "Wauw. Y/n. That's a beautiful name." She said smiling. You smiled. "Do you want a picture with me?" She said smirking. "yes!" You said almost crying. "Ahw, please don't cry y/n. Your smile is more beautiful."demi said while rubbing your back. "You smiled. "How do you want me to Stand?" Demi asked you smiling. "Like this?" Demi said and took a pose from a superhero to make you laugh. "Or like this." She said and took another pose. You laughed. "Thank you. " you said and hugged her. "No problem sweetheart. Now how do you want me to stand?" She asked. "Well can we do that I pretend to grab your ass and you pretend to grab mine?" You ask smiling. "Sure!" Demi said laughing. You and demi took the pose but instead of pretending demi really grabs your ass. // Hope you like it