The Red Door

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 I knocked on the wooden red door. Twice, with my knuckles. It hurt a little, but there was no door bell or knocker. I am only here for the money. This is my job, advertise the solar energy company and move on. Get details for a little extra cash, but door knocking is enough to get me through the week.  

 I had never imagined my life to turn out this. Standing on strangers front doors every weekend, trying to tell them to invest in solar energy to ‘save there power bill and save the environment!’. I had also never imagined myself to be wearing high waisted pleated man slacks with a polo shirt tucked in. I did not feel cute or even comfortable. 

 I waited a minute, knocked again. There were noises coming from inside the house, there was someone home. So I knocked louder again. Normally I would have moved on my now but the door was red and I was always told people with red doors want guests. I tapped my food, a shadow moved behind the glass. There were footsteps and the door opened. Without a beat I launched into my well rehearsed sales pitch. I didn’t even pay attention to the man standing before me but when I did, my words slowly trailed off.

 “I am sorry, but I missed just about everything you said after solar,” A blonde boy, about 6 foot tall, chuckled with an Irish accent. He had a sleeve up his left arm and a half done sleeve on his right.

 “Uh, yeah. Sorry. Was I talking too fast?” I tilted my head to the side. He was beautiful to say the least. The kind of boy that was too pretty for tattoos but he somehow, pulled it off. Crystal blue eyes and a wide smile that made my insides melt. He met every single point on my checklist. 

 “I was a little off guard, I wasn’t expecting a sales person today. Did I not put out the no sales sign?” He popped his head out the door and looked around. Sign? I saw no sign. I hope there was no sign. I am kind of glad there was no sign because my god, was he beautiful. 

 “Oh, I didn’t mean to intrude,” I stepped back and smiled politely. 

 “No, it is fine, we were looking for someone like you,” He smirked at me. Something changed. It was no longer a normal conversation, there was tension and mischief dancing in his eyes.

 “I should go now,” I took another step back to leave but I bumped into something. “Huh?” I turned to see a man dressed in all black, long brunette curls framing his face with a smirk matching the blonde boys.

 “I don’t think you’re going anywhere,” He spoke in a thick British accent. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me forward and into the blondes arms.

 I screamed. I threw a punch and hit the blonde in the stomach, he hunched forward in pain. I pushed him back and tried to make a run for it. The brunette grabbed my ponytail and pulled me back. Resulting in me screaming out in pain and fear. 

 “Stop struggling, you little bitch,” The brunette swore at me. He easily man handled me into the house. I looked around trying to take in as much as I could, I had to find a way out. I had to over power him.

 “Pass the bitch here,” It was blonde one, “I wanna carry her, since she tried to give me some hell.”

 I struggled. I wasn’t letting them take me, not without a fight. I threw my arms out in front of my in hopes to injure someone, I kicked in hope to shock someone but it was useless. Before the blonde could get a hold of me the brunette put a rag over my mouth. It smelt of chemicals and alcohol. I tried not to breathe it in but I had to. It only took a few seconds for everything to become blurry. I felt my body be moved, the blonde was now holding onto me. I passed out. 

 When I came to, my hands were bound behind my back. I was lying on an old mattress covered with smelly sheets. The room was dark but light was streaming into the room from the edges of the door and from the window. I tried to sit up but found my legs were bound together as well. I rubbed them together in hopes to loosen the ropes but they were tied so tightly it hurt. I huffed in annoyance. 

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