Prologue; ᴄᴏɴғᴀʙᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

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ᴀɴɴᴏᴜɴᴄᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ; Hello my children. It is I, your author, here with a brand new book! I know I haven't posted in a while now, and I apologise, I'll try to publish more often though, as my hiatus has ended ^^. Again, this is james, signing out. Also this is inspired by the amazing, talented, beautiful, awesome, amazing, wonder and cool Isekai_Reader

«ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ» Blood ,gore and confusion



It's so cold...


A girl opens her (e/c) orbs, she groaned, why was it so windy? Did she forget the window again?

She tried to sit up, but she couldn't, her eyes widened as she realised there was no floor, which only meant she was practically freefalling by now, she looks at her uniform; her white undershirt was red all-over, some of the redness was seeping into her Gray vest and her blue jacket, her skirt was tored all over.

She felt something warm drip down from the side of her face, she took her hand and put it against her cheek, she carefully wipes her cheek and slowly pulled her hand in front of her.

Her heart stopped as she realized she was bleeding. Now that she thought of it, she couldn't see through her right eye. Speaking of eyes; in the corner of her left one, she saw two bodies not so far away from her.

Her eyes widened as she realized who those two bodies were, "JAYDEN! RUSSKIY!" she yelled out. She tried her best floating towards them, but to no avail of course. A strawberry blonde boy heard her call for help, his head snapped to the direction of teh voice, "(Y/N)!" He yelled out, he too, tried to float towards her, again to no avail, he cursed at himself for skipping the gym.

He looked at her tattered and bloody clothes, "(Y/n)! Hold on I'll come to you!" He shouted, "I'll do the same!"

They both used all their left over energy to swim towards each other, both teens eyes were filled with tears. After an eternity of using all their leftover will to live, they were mere feet away from each other.



They were at mere inches away from each other, they panted and wheezed their lungs out.

He propelled himself in the air one last time, hoping to take hold of her hand; only to graze her fingertips as he watched her descending throught the infinite darkness alone.

Her teary eyes were filled to the brim as everything she ever knew began to dim and blur.

She felt her body land harshly on the ground, her vision going from a bloody road to a snowy forest, slowly fading in and out.

Multiple voices called out to her, as she slowly lost consciousness, ten noise making her head hurt and feel lightheaded. A loud cry of her name was the last thing she heard until everything went dark.

"(Y/n), wake up."

She opened her eyes.

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