Love Conquers All || Yoonmin

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You could realize when that person is in danger. You could realize when that person is hurt. You could realize while you're laying next to them and it just feels like something has changed. That spark that was lit inside of you that first time the two of you met, somehow begins to shine brighter, as though it had changed or is new, but it was there the whole time. You realize that you'd do anything for that person, anything. You'd die for them, you'd live for them, you'd wait around for them and let them do things that you would normally hate when someone does, but not them. No, they're the exception. That's when I realized that it was never hate, no that was what my parents feel towards yours- but rather love. I love you Park Jimin, and I'm afraid that nothing will change that. No, I don't just love you. I'm in love with you- don't you ever forget it, no matter how many days pass. I'm in love with you, and only you. Until forever ends and we see the horizon come up over our moonlit-infinity. Even after death I'll always be there. Watching you and making sure you are okay. This isn't the end Minnie, I'll be back and when I am I will make sure you know it's me.
-Always your's,
    Min Yoongi
A/n: This is just the intro, updates will take place every Sunday (for the most part)

Love Conquers All || YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now