003. let's get some air

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let's get some air
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 ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ THREE!  let's get some air  ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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It had been a few days since the team had been attacked by a monster at Harper Futuristics. Harris was definitely feeling the aftermath of his traumatizing near-death experience as he ended up taking out all of his emotions on Mark.

Right now, the team all sat around Harris in the robot's personal medical centre. They wanted to run some tests on Harris to see why he was acting weird.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Ryan asked Harris, after the machine had stopped scanning him.

"A little bit better." Harris reassured his teammates as he sat up from the bed.

"So, can you tell me exactly what happened?" Ryan asked Harris.

The conversation was then rudely interrupted by a scream and a loud crash. That was definitely the carefree renegade, Spyder Johnson. That boy always knew how to make an entrance.

"What was that?" Mark asked.

The older teen got up and went over to the door to check out what the sounds were from. The other (and non-injured) teens all followed his lead. The door opened to reveal a disheveled Spyder, who was sitting on the ground next to a machine that was smoking. Everyone gave him a weird look.

"What? Your text said get here ASAP, which I did, after I looked up asap." Spyder assured before he was helped up from the floor and pulled into the room.

"This better not be the mircothruster, I just fixed." Mark complained in annoyance when he picked up the object that was smoking. It was indeed the microthruster that the jock just fixed.

"I was testing it and guess what? It thrusted!" Spyder exclaimed. "And now it's busted." Mark held the thruster and it immediately split into two separate pieces, much to his dismay.

"Um, hey, congrats." Spyder awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"So, you guys thought twice about bringing me on the team but you chose this train wreck right away?" Mark questioned in annoyance.

"I am standing right here." Spyder pointed out.

"Yeah, don't remind us." Hana shot back and Natalie hit her in the shoulder for her comment.

"I can fix this, ok? Just like I fixed my broken leg, didn't I? You remember that?" Spyder asked as he yanked the microthruster out of Mark's hands.

Ryan, Hana, Harris and Natalie all started chuckling as they recalled the memory of the boy trying to fix his broken leg in school. It was a complete and utter disaster that ended in a hospitalization.

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