008. let's get the big bad

431 13 6

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  let's get the big bad
  ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

  ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮  EIGHT!  let's get the big bad  ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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Today was considered a day of relaxation for the Mech X4 team. All of the members except for Ryan, were just chilling in the control centre. Harris was in the process of researching for his school project. Mark was in the middle of working on the X-weapon, which was a new weapon that Harris and Hana had created together and were in the process of prototyping it. Spyder was lounging in his chair and trying to nap but couldn't because of Hana's constant slurping of the instant noodles she made. Finally, Natalie was playing some computer games.

"Harris!" Mark called angrily before rushing down the ladder and marching over to the boy.

Mark's angry call caused everyone to look at the senior. "Your stupid X-weapon almost burned my eyebrows off!" Mark exclaimed angrily. The senior did indeed have burnt patches around his eyes. Hana, Spyder and Natalie were all laughing quietly at the situation that was unfolding.

"You think, I want to look permanently surprised for the rest of my life?" Mark asked angrily.

"I didn't know it would overload your console but now, I do! So....Yay!" Harris said nervously. Mark looked ready to hit the boy but the elevator door opening stopped him. It was just Ryan.

"Everyone stay calm." Ryan ordered.

That didn't work on in the boy's favour. Everyone immediately entered their fight mood as soon as they say Grey. Mark was the first one to react and he tried to throw a punch at Grey but she easily caught it.

"No, Mark, wait." Ryan tried to stop but Mark threw another punch. Grey deflected it before kicking the senior down. He fell to the ground.

"Yikes, that's gotta hurt." Hana cringed. Spyder and Natalie nodded in agreement as they were also cringing at the sight.

"Dang." Mark sighed in disbelief.

"Harris, you're all ideas. Why aren't you doing something?" Spyder asked Harris.

"Was I the only one who heard Ryan say, stay calm?" Harris questioned.

"Alright, dingus. Wanna explain why you brought our enemy here?" Mark asked as he got up from the ground. He then pulled his brother off to the side and the other members followed.

"Because we have a much bigger problem. The mastermind behind the monsters. She's gonna help us stop em." Ryan explained.

"I don't trust this." Hana blurted out and everyone except Ryan, nodded in agreement.

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