013. let's dig deep

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let's dig deep
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   ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮   THIRTEEN!   let's dig deep   ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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It was a brand new day and all of the teens sat in the Med Bay. The long awaited addition to their team had finally arrived, the mad scientist, Leo Mendel. Ryan had safely brought the scientist to the robot after he was being held captive in an underwater prison.

The boy was now venting to his teammates. "It was Harper! It was Harper behind the monsters the whole time!" Ryan exclaimed angrily.

A cough interrupted Ryan's angry rant. All of them turned to Leo as they knew it was him. The scientist was in the process of trying to sit up. "Ryan." He groaned softly when he sat up.

"Take it easy, Leo. You're not a hundred percent yet." Harris reminded as Leo nodded with coughs.

"Leo, I have so many questions about my powers." Ryan said.

"Ryan, the man is hurt. At least give him some time to recover." Natalie reminded and the boy nodded.

"And I promise, I'll answer all of them but right now, we have to stop Harper." Leo pointed out.

"But I..." Ryan tried to say but got cut off by Leo.

"Ryan, there is a giant pocket of primorphorous gel. It's the key to Harper's...you know, master plan to destroy the world and if he thinks you've drowned in that underwater base. He's gonna move fast to get that gel." Leo explained.

"Define fast?" Ryan questioned.

"It could be days. It could be minutes. Whoo, minutes would be a bummer." Leo frowned.

"Got it, my questions can wait. We got work to do." Ryan pointed out.

"Let's get down to Harper Futuristics and put an end to that guy." Mark said.

"We can't. Even if we take out Harper, his people will still carry out his plan." Harris reminded.

"Then we have to get to the gel first and destroy it." Ryan pointed out.

"And get Harper to stop dating your mom." Spyder said suddenly and they all gave him a weird look.

"Really, am I the only one who thought of that?" Spyder asked and they all nodded weirdly.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Natalie asked in annoyance at Spyder's attraction to Grace Walker.

"Nothing can ever beat you, Natty." Spyder flirted to make the girl happy. She just grinned.

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