014. let's destroy some ooze

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let's destroy some ooze
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  ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮   FOURTEEN!   let's destroy some ooze   ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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Today was the day had the gruelling task of searching the plethora of school grounds in order to find a very specific ooze pocket. This ooze pocket was so significant because Harper needed this ooze pocket in order to carry out his master plan. The Mech X4 team needed to get to it first in order to stop the billionaire from destroying the world. Mark was the only one not participating in the search as he had football practice. The freshman three boys had decided to search the outside, while the two girls took to the indoors.

The girls were not pleased as they had accidentally ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, every time they entered a new room. The two girls were covered in sawdust from the wood shop class, engine oil from the auto shop and paint from a very experimental art class. The two girls were ready to give up out of sheer annoyance.

"I'm scanning for ooze and operation tiger shark was is in progress. I'm done with the north campus but I still haven't reached the perimeter of the school's ooze pocket." Ryan explained in annoyance, over the Mech-Link.

"Keep measuring and move to the science building, I'll do the same. Why tiger shark and why are you lying on the ground?" Harris asked Spyder over the Mech Link, as he could see the boy laying on the grass from a distance.

"Because tigers are cool and sharks are cool and I got bored scanning and took a nap. Why do we have to measure the ooze? Can't we just zap it or something?" Spyder asked.

"But that would cave in the school." Ryan said.

"Wait, so you're saying it's a win win?" Spyder asked.

"We need accurate measurements. So far, it looks like the worst case scenario. There's so much ooze even if we pour all our weapons into it, it wouldn't be enough." Harris explained.

"So, it's like when I take a whiz in the school pool. I'm not doing any real damage?" Spyder questioned and the teens all cringed in disgust.

"Gross but accurate." Harris agreed.

"You know, I'm the reason they use twice the chlorine now." Spyder added.

"Again, gross. We can neutralize it with the antidote that cured me when I was ooze infected. I just need to know how much to produce." Harris said.

The two girls had spotted the boy laying on the field and immediately ran over to him to make sure that he would get up and help the team. "Hey, Spyder!" Natalie called. Spyder turned around and instantly flinched at their appearances.

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