015. let's end this

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let's end this
part one
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  ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮   FIFTEEN!   let's end this   part one   ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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The Mech X4 team was just in the process of outrunning the military's fighter jets as infamous billionaire, Seth Harper, hired them to go after the team after they accidentally blew up their high school. The robot was getting hit left and right by military grade missiles. This caused many problems to occur like a lack of shields, system shutdowns and tons of fire, which caused smoke to build up in the control centre. Ryan had retreated to the outskirts of the city to ensure the citizens of Bay City weren't being harmed by their chase and the incoming missiles. The boy ducked behind a rock to hide.

"Bro, are you alright?" Mark asked worryingly.

"I can't shake these guys." Ryan pointed out.

"I believe the 'let's run away,' plan isn't working! We need a new tactic!" Harris exclaimed.

"Oh, ok, how about this? How about this plan? I get in an escape pod with Natty and we eject." Spyder suggested to the group.

"And?" Ryan questioned.

"And...And, what?" Spyder asked in confusion. Just as the boy finished his question, a another missile hit the robot and they stumbled forward.

"There's goes the last of our shields." Harris said.

"Harris, I think it's time to try out our special project." Ryan suggested. The special project was a feature that could turn the robot invisible.

"It isn't ready yet, I haven't tested it!" Harris exclaimed in a panic.

"Do it!" Ryan demanded before hiding behind a hill covered in large rocks and trees. Harris turned on the system to activate the invisibility mode and it worked on the first try.

"What's up, now? Didn't expect the robot to hologram up, did you? You best, ghost." Harris said smugly at the fact that his invisibility feature worked. Mark came down his ladder and started to put out the small fires with a fire extinguisher.

"Since when could we do that?" Spyder asked.

"I asked Harris to install a hologram generator like the one hiding Mech X3." Ryan explained.

"Consider this our first field test." Harris said.

"I'd say it passed. Always wondered what passing a test felt like." Spyder said.

"Really? I've passed a test before and I never do my homework or study." Hana taunted.

"Leo deserves most of the credit, he invented it." Harris pointed out.

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