Awkward Moments

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Note: Right so I had no idea what in my right mind I was thinking when I made this but apparently at the time I decided it was a good idea. Just keep in mind that I wrote this when I was around 11 or 12 so it really isn't the best thing out there. I literally still have no idea why I haven't deleted this yet. But eh if you like it that's cool.

*That awkward moment when all of a sudden the conversation dies and you say "AWKWARD" and  they're like "Dude nothing was awkward until you said awkward and your just thinking "awwww... Crap!"

*That awkward moment when you hear part of a really weird or retarded conversaition and your like "right just gonna pretend i never heard that and move on with my awesome retarded conversation freee life!!!"

*That awkward moment when you watch movies you liked when you were a small kid and now your criticizing everything about the movie. e.g Theres no way that alpacka can talk.

* That awkward moment when you and your friends are being retarded and a whole group of cool kids walk by and their all like omg they are such loosers.

*That awkward moment when your friend gets to go to a coldplay concert and you dont.

* That awkward moment when you walk into your wardrobe and dont end up in Narnia.

* That awkward moment when life doesn't give you lemons so you buy lemonade from the shops instead.

*That awkward moment when a teacher asks you a question that you dont know the answer to and you just sit there looking retarded.

*That awkward moment when your watching a movie with your family and theres a kissing scene and you just wish you could dissapear.

* That awkward moment when your home alone and you think you hear footsteps and your all like *operation escape jump out of window*

*That awkward moment when you think your test results are awesome and then you look at the person next to you and their mark is way better.

* That awkward moment when you realise voldemort has a nose.

* That awkward moment when Voldemort captures harry potter and he spends like 85% of the time talking about how awesome he is for capturing a teenager instead of actually tring to kill Harry.

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