Prodigy: Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! Just to let you know that if there are any mistakes or any advice you want to give me please let me know and I will listen to them. And by the way, I DON'T own Naruto. Anyways without further ado let's get right into it!

* Konoha * 

Itachi and Shisui were walking to the graveyard at about midnight in Konoha after their comrade died during a mission when they heard a blood-curdling scream... "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". 

"What was that!?" Shisui exclaimed, 

"I don't know, but it doesn't sound good, we need to go there now!" Itachi stated. 

When Itachi and Shisui arrived at where they had heard that ear-piercing scream they were in total shock at what they were witnessing... they saw a blonde kid no older than the age of 3 that was in the process of being stripped of his clothing and was about to be raped by this 30-year-old man with a mob of angry villagers behind him. 

As soon as that man was about to touch and take off his underwear Itachi and Shisui jumped in the air and yelled " Katon! Goukakyuu no Jutsu! "(Fire Style! Fireball Jutsu!) and blew a large ball of fire out of their mouths, being careful of not hitting the boy, and stopped the action of what these pathetic villagers were about to do, then they ran away like cowards. 

Then Itachi and Shisui turned around 

"Are you alright?" Itachi said crouching to his level giving a smile. 

The blonde boy started to back up slowly and nodded, Itachi saw this and said in a calming tone 

"There is no need to be afraid little boy, we are not here to hurt you". 

"C-ca-can I-I t-trust  yo-you guys?" The blonde one said still traumatized from what was about to happen at that moment.

Itachi said while giving a smile"Yes you can, those villagers shouldn't treat you this way, you should be able to live a life without this happening" 

The boys' eyes widened with happiness.  "W-what are your n-names" 

"My name is Itachi Uchiha and my friend's name here is Shisui Uchiha" 

"So your name's are I-Itachi and S-Shusui Uchiha" 

Itachi chuckled at that and said "Not Shusui, Shishui" the blonde nodded dumbly and stopped when Shisui asked: 

"What's your name", he stood up and said: 

"M-my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be Hokage one day, Believe It!". Then Itachi also stood up and said: 

"But first you should put on your clothes and tell the Hokage what the villagers were doing" Naruto nodded and did what he said and started walking with them to the Hokage tower.

* At the Hokage Tower *

'Knock, knock' Hiruzen Sarutobi the Sandaime Hokage (3rd Hokage) looked up at the door and said: 

"Come in"

The door opened and the three boys walked in and closed the door, "Hey old man!" Naruto said. " Ah! Hello, Naruto boy what brings you three here today". Itachi and Shisui walked up to the desk and were starting to explain what happened until the door swung open and came in an angry villager who said: 

"DIE DEMON!" while rushing towards Naruto with a knife in his hand, unable to be stopped by anyone else, until, for Naruto, time started to slow down and he could predict where the knife was headed which was at his head. When the time was still slowing down, Naruto ducked under the jab, grabbed the knife out of his hand did a spin around his body, and jabbed the knife into the man's chest killing him.

Itachi, Shisui and Hiruzen were amazed at what Naruto did, then Naruto realized his actions and burst into tears, facing away from them and saying "I'm a monster, I'm a bad person, I-" Itachi put his hand on his shoulder and said, "It's okay he was going to do the same thing to you, all you were doing was protecting yourself". 

Then Naruto fainted from shock and was brought to a... sewer? Naruto was wondering where he was and started to wander around when he heard a voice "Follow my voice", Naruto, being the curios kid he is, followed the voice until he stopped in front of a huge cage and had the Kanji for 'Seal' 

"Good you're here," said the voice and Naruto looked to the right and there was a man who had blonde hair like him, but longer, he had ocean blue eyes just like himself, and he also had had a white cape with red flames and Kanji for 'Fourth Hokage'. When Naruto saw that he was the Yondaime Hokage (4th Hokage), Naruto's eyes widened with confusion asking himself 'Why is the 4th Hokage here am I dead, no I can't be, is he alive, no he couldn't be, he died when the Kyuubi attacked the village, or maybe he...' 

"Now you're probably wondering where we are and why I'm here" Naruto nodded his head and the 4th Hokage said, "We are in your mind, and it looks like this because it is a representation of what your mind looks like, and I'm here to tell you what truly happened when the Kyuubi 'attacked' the village some time ago". 

Naruto tilted his head in confusion and said "Why... the old man said that the Kyuubi attacked the village and you killed it" "Lord 3rd said that to keep the younger generation from panicking, you see you can't kill the Bijuu because they are a mass of chakra taking the form of different animals such as the Kyuubi which is a fox. Even if you manage to destroy the body it will reform from 1 to 10 years, but to get rid of it I... sealed it in..." "Me," Naruto said emotionlessly

Minato was shocked and wondered how he knew until Naruto spoke up again, "It makes sense the villagers calling me a demon, a monster, etc, and beating me because they think I'm the Kyuubi," Naruto said emotionlessly "I-I'm sorry you were the only one..." Naruto looked into his eyes with tears slowly falling from his eyes and said "W-Why me?" Minato replied "I cannot tell, but I can show" "H-how?" Naruto said while rubbing his eyes from the tears "Look into my eyes" Naruto did what he was told and looked into his eyes when they started spinning and turned into the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (EMS) Naruto gasped at what he saw and was put into the Tsukuyomi along with Minato...

CLIFFHANGER (Well technically it isn't because it is already up but whatever...)

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