19 3 1


      Having myself lost in the middle of nowhere...
Suddenly seeing a bed of them by the fountain..
I remembered how much I love violets..
Their intensity, that willful way they have of being neither purple or blue but violet...

I gently closed my diary.. waking up to my favorite poem is the best thing for me, standing in front of the mirror,I couldn't help but notice the figure in front of me..

    "Huh" I sighted taking a deep breath

Am familiar with this face,the thick black hair, almost brown skin, thick brows,pale stature is what I hate the most..I can never make it as a model.moving to a new country is not any where near my parents are the rulers am just a subject...

  "Miss, your still in your pyjamas,madam is getting impatient,she demand your presence" came a voice from behind me..that's Mrs suh.our Korean Butler.she has being living with us since I can remember..

" Miss !!" She called after what seemed like an eternity of no response..

" Am not deaf" I yelled irritated..for one thing I took after my parents in that

" My apologies, would you want anything.??"

" No pls leave" I yelled..

" Am sorry" she said and bowed.watching her exiting almost bent frame..I feel justified for hating my parents..

" Quit now that you can" I said sarcastically searching through my wardrobe..

" I don't get what you mean" she said calmly..

" Look how pitiful you have become,I know what it means to work for them" I said throwing a jean to my queen sized bed .

" You must be mistaken miss, your parents are the best employers I ever had.and I also love my job so quiting is not an option" she defended calmly avoiding eye contact

" Nice huh..?? How nice .?? Nice enough to band you from seeing your family"

" It's not in my power to say but I believe there is a reason for that, my family only need the fine with that"

" Obviously..I guess your grandson needed a new house since he has been outside the gate since yesterday..and your right there is a reason for everything,there is a reason you are stuck here with no hope of going out answering " yes ma'am to girls young enough to be your grandchildren..there is also a reason you sneak food to your son..and oh there is also a reason you cry yourself to sleep every night"

"Y You knew..??" She asked obviously scared.

" Emmmm...hello..I live in this house so I should know..and I need the driver  so he won't be able to deliver lunch to your family today.." I said and no matter how she tried to hide it,I still saw the pain in her eyes.

  "Am sorry" she said bowing

  " You still don't want to admit your family is dying and you can't do anything to help.. leave while I let you.

  " I can't.the moment I do am dead" she replied shaking..

  " I personally...." I paused when I heard footsteps,I can discern my mom's footsteps from a thousand footsteps..

" Oh my God, she is coming" I whispered and literally flew into the bathroom...

***"******************************************************************** the flight was long and tiring,the fact that I had to sit next to my terrifying elder sister made it gruesome.its fair that she got all the good genes,the super curl hair, great figure,blue eyes, great height and fair skin but treating me like I don't exist is the painful part.i don't know when it started but Vivian and I are enemies..she wasn't always like this,Ruby is my younger sister we aren't enemies but aren't great friends either.the only thing I have in common with my sisters is our hatred for our parents and for some reason Vivian hates them the most,she was drugged and fast asleep when she was brought into the jet.since she practically refused to come..her strong will is what I admire about the dumb nerd.we travelled in our private jet,my dad is a billionaire afterall, through out the flight my mom never left her laptop.she only looked up once or twice to request for more wine and snacks or to tell at Ruby for being a child.. Vivian was glued to her iPad with headphones on and only stood up to use the restroom or get more wine..Ruby was taking pictures, making videos or playing games so she was the only one that had to stand up more often..I had headphones on and scrolling through the internet..
  The only conversation I had was when Ruby asked me to take a picture of her eating samosa spring rolls for her Instagram...  

   " Young lady pick a seat,am working" my mom yelled at her making videos..

I couldn't wait to get down from there.. seeing my mom's face is my nightmare...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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