Chapter 5: Why do I feel it?

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(Anabia: 14 years old, Huzaifa: 16 years old)

(Anabia's pov)

He was standing right there. What should I do? On one hand I could run to another store. However Ma had specifically told me to stay here. Should I stand outside the entrance? No that would only bring attention to myself. 

" Hey Huzaifa I'm back-" That must be his friend. I'd seen him at school before. The one he always hangs out with. Wait what? What am I doing? I shouldn't be thinking of him right now! I'm stalking him! I slap my palms against the sides of my face. Come on Anabia. He's just another guy from school. Don't pressure yourself.

"Anabia, I found a book you might like" Aadab says as she walks over to me. Her mouth twists into a devilish smile as she hands the book over to me. "If you want the rest of the series it's shelved in the place where he's standing" My heart starts thumping louder in my chest as I replay those words in my head. I have to go where's he's standing to get the book? I look at the book now, my head spinning. This wasn't the first book of the series. She purposefully did that didn't she? I glare at her, my cheeks filling with colour.

"You filthy idiot, you purposefully did that didn't you?" I say. She raises her hands in the air and whirls around the other way. 

"It was the first book I could find. I had no choice" Sighing, I look from the book to the shelf my palms starting to sweat. Would he suspect me if I went there? Was it okay to go? It wasn't like I could buy the book anyways, the cover said that much. Okay. I could do this. I take a deep breath in and slowly start making my way to where he was standing.


"So which book did you want to take exact-" The sentence stops in midair as I walk over to the shelf. That voice. The husky sound that emitted through the  air made my body shiver as my head suddenly splits in pain. I could feel their his eyes on me as they watch to see who the newcomer would be and then quickly avert away.

"As I was saying which one did you say you needed exactly?" His voice. I hadn't heard him speak in a while now.

"It was the one called 'Shiver' By Maggie Steif something. It should be around here" I couldn't concentrate. Come on Anabia. Pull yourself together. They're just two guys from school.  I look around trying to spot the golden printout on the spines. Ah. There it was. Right next to... him. Oh no I think as I look up. That Aadab set this all up didn't she? That idiot of a girl was going to regret ever doing this. He has his back to me so it should be fine right? My hands were shaking,  sweat starting to build up on in my palms as I dug my nails into them. This was nerve breaking. I can't  do this. No. I will do this. Taking a deep breath in, I reach out my hand to pull it out-

"Huzaifa watch out there's someone behind you!" The light push that came from my side makes me lose my balance as the sudden feeling of someone's hand grasping onto my arm shocks me as I catch myself by  grabbing onto the bookshelf. I raise my gaze towards those liquid brown eyes, that hair that fell onto them brushed to the side as my heart stops for a moment, the adrenaline in my body pounding up to my head. I rip my gaze from his and release my arm.

"Th-thank you" I stutter and pull myself up.

"Your welcome" He says briskly and turns around again not once looking back.

"Bro I told you to look where you were going. What's up with you today?" I hear his friend say. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. What was I getting so worked up for? Lifting my hand to my forhead, I close my eyes sighing deeply. What in God's name is going on today? Let me just get the book and kill Aadab after this. I turn towards the section from where I'd get the book from. Ughh No! He was leaning against it! Oof. I'll just have to ask him to move then.  Sighing I open my mouth to speak and point towards the bookshelf.

"Umm excuse me but do you mind if I could get the book from the shelf your leaning on?" I say my heart racing again, the butterlfies in my stomach getting tense. Without question he arises from the place and then moves closer to his friend.

"Sorry" He says and leans against the shelf farther enough for me to grab the book. Just as I am about to take it out, it slips from my hand and drops on the floor. As I reach out to pick it up he bends down beside me and holds it out infront of me. I look back at him and quickly lower my gaze, my cheeks heating up.

"Thank you again" I mutter and take  the book from him and race off towards the other side of the store. As I approach the other shelves I hear a sudden burst of laughter coming from the other side.

"OMG Anabia that was so hilarious. How did it feel? HA HA HA!" 

"Shut up Aadab. Your are so dead when we get home" I say the words slipping off my tongue. I could barely calm myself down after what happened. The shock of his hand instantly grabbing my arm formed goosbumps  all over my body.

"Anabia! Aadab! We're here!" I sigh with relief as the Ma approaches us with Yunus in his pushchair, squealing happily. "I don't see any book you'll be able to take to take so let's go to another store. I still need to buy Rubina's shoes." 

"Okay then." I say and grab onto Aadab's arm and drag her out the store.

"Awww come on I just saw this really good bo-"

"Forget about it. You've done enough damage for today." I mutter and follow behind Ma. My heart was still beating abnormally. Why did he try to stop me from falling though? Didn't he hate me. I shake my head. Forget about it Anabia. It's not that big of a deal. But no matter how many times I tell myself that my heart kept throbbing again and again. What a sin. Why do I feel it?


Moon's Note: Ciao amiche! I hope your all doing well. This chapter I tried to add a little more Anabia and Huzaifa moments in it so I hope that turned out alright. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next week. Ci vediamo lettrici! :)

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