worst of you

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A/N: This is my submission for the writing challenge held by LilyHemsworth. I'm pretty new to this website and she is literally the sweetest girl I've met so far. She is so talented and I couldn't pass the opportunity of showing her my writing. I love meeting people who love Keanu Reeves just as much as me! I know that Keanu Reeves isn't an asshole in real life, but this story is pure fiction and I'm writing him as one. I hope you enjoy!

Pairing: Young!Keanu Reeves x Reader

Warning(s): Language, Toxic Relationship

Word Count: 796

Word Count: 796

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On and off. On and off. Those were the two words that you would if you were to describe the relationship between you and Keanu. It was the same only story every day. Every night. Every second. But whenever you thought you were done with him, you always found yourself crawling back into his arms at the end of the day. You didn't know what it was, or maybe you did. You knew exactly what it was.

It was his charming smile. His beautiful brown eyes that would constantly beg you to stay. Over and over he would let you down, and yet, you would still forgive him. He would make out with another woman right in front of you and deny it the next morning. He claimed that he still loved you, but did he? You used to think so. Maybe you were just blindly in love with him. You were gullible to the words he spoke.

One year had passed and you still were labeled as the girlfriend to Keanu Reeves. You never knew it was going to last that long. Although it was a rough road to go down, you had to admit, Keanu was beginning to treat you like he used to. You thought that he was clean, that he was never going to cheat on you ever again. You couldn't have been more stupid.

"Babe! I'm home!" you called out, slamming the door behind you. You hung up your jacket and kicked off your shoes. "I'll go pop some popcorn for the movie!"

You made your way into the kitchen and unwrapped some popcorn. You tossed them into the microwave and suddenly remembered something upstairs in your bedroom. You walked up the stairs, only to freeze on the top step as you heard the noise that brought back horrible memories from the past. It was the sound of another woman's voice, and she wasn't talking, she was moaning. Your eyes shot wide open and you sped through the hallway down to the bedroom that you and your boyfriend shared together.

The door was already cracked open, and you already knew what you were going to walk in on. You fought back the tears as you barged through the door, startling Keanu in bed with a blonde woman. The mistress shrieked in fear and fell straight off of Keanu's lap. You stared at Keanu's face, his cheeks stained with lipstick as well as all around his neck. It was horrid. You didn't know why, but you were expecting this to happen. Your mind was boggled from the situation that was taking place.

"[Y/N], I thought that—"

You didn't stay another second and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut on him. Keanu sighed to himself and stood up from the bed, leaving the woman all alone in the room. She shrugged it off and began stuffing some items into her bra as Keanu went racing out of the door. He dashed down the stairs, calling out your name. He was able to catch up to you and gripped onto your wrist before you could make it out the front door.

"Listen to me damn it!" keanu screamed, tightening his grip on your wrist. You squeezed your eyes shut, tears streaming down your face. "[Y/N]! You better not walk out on me or—"

"OR ELSE WHAT!" you exploded angrily, ripping your wrist out of his possession. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU SCUMBAG!"

Keanu was shocked. He had never been talked back before, but to you, it felt good. It felt like a burden that needed to be lifted. You were tired of his bullshit. You were done with him begging you to stay. His apologies. His fake apologies. You knew that he would do it all again.

"We're through," you muttered coldly, turning away from him. Keanu licked his lips and stared at you, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I don't want to see your face ever again Keanu. You better stay the hell away from me or there will be consequences."

"[Y/N], please, we can work this out. Don't you think that you're being a bit over dram—"

One huff later, you swung the door open and slammed it hard in his face. Keanu stood on the other side of the door, staring at the wooden door blankly. You were done with his lies. From here on, you were going to live with your mother. You didn't want anything to do with Keanu anymore, the moment you walked out of the door was the moment you walked out of his life, and Keanu knew that. He knew what he lost, and couldn't regret any worse than he did.

But you were never turning back, not again, not ever.

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