Chapter 9

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Jaxx pov
I can't believe my mate is crazy! Well yeah I've dated crazy people before and I think that was me testing myself for my mate but anyway my mate is insane.
First Nate and I found Alex safe place and we met the moon goddess then we found out he can erases people minds with a kiss and right now, we're walking back to the pack house because my wings hurt and while Nate and I are walking Alex is j-.

"Alex come on get down" Nate says to Alex but Alex kept jumping around in the trees.

"No, why should I listen to anything you tell me to do? Your not my daddy"

"Oh my god Alex!"
Nate yells and I laugh.

"What are you laughing at, your not my daddy either" he wants to play this game already, okey I'll play.

"No I'm not your daddy but I am your baby daddy"
I stop and smirk at him. "Dude I really do think you should move out the way", "why what's he gonna d-"next thing I know I'm on the ground with a happy a*s Alex on me.

"Oh my god! That's was funny" Alex laughs standing up, "dude I did tell you to move out the way" Nate says helping me up to my feet, "so that is sooo on you" "yeah whatever, but I think you broke my back, Alex" I told Alex just to be replied with a comment that can just make me burst, "hmm, well I can break your back a little more, the only thing we need is a rubber and a bed so let's head in my room to have fun, I have both when we get back to the pack house we can use them" Oh my godddd! I think I just c*m in my pants and the wink and smirk made it sooo much hotter, "ok guys wait until I'm not around to be thinking about having sex with each other, ok?" Nate says rolling his eyes "cause if you want I don't mind walking around waiting on yall,(I don't even mind watching)" I might be a Dragon but I'm also TelepathIc so I heard what he said in his head, Alex rolls his eyes to and turn in front of Nate and smile then he kissed him, really right in front of his mate, they pull apart and a few seconds later Nate passes out.

"Sorry about that but can you grab him for me" he says stepping over Nate body, "umm Alex you can't just do that" "do what?" "Kiss someone other then your mates and just walk off like nothing happened!" He look at me for a minute and started to laugh,"why are you laughing" "because I was going to tell you later but I guess I can tell you now"
what in the world is he talking about "well Nate is the first mate I had sense this morning since today is my birthday" wait what? "Umm what" "yeah I just never told him cause he will find out tomorrow, plus this is his punishment for what he did to me a two years ago".

" What did he do to make him have this painful punishment, also happy birthday" I'm getting curiouser now, "umm well Nate and I use to to mess around with each other and before anybody else he was the only one who knew that I wasn't really mute" oh well then, wait he was mute once,"you don't have to tell me if you don't want to I understand" I tell him even tho I really want to know what happened between them,"no I do want to it's just hard to talk about what happened two years ago" "oh ok" hmmm why do I have a weird feeling that his going to do something.

"Ok, so one day when we where 16 he outed me out of no where and just watch while I got beat or yelled at for being gay and then he started rubbing his sex life in my face and I got fad up with everything so I erase the things he only knew about me out of his head but the only thing it seems he remembers is my moans or that we use to laugh together in his bed or when we were ever alone in one of each other rooms" wow why would Nate do that "I'm sor-" " don't say sorry it makes it worse then it seems because that's not true and I know for a fact he will be a great Mate I just think before I tell him his my mate I should get to know him better and learn how to trust him again".

"oh well um how can he remember your moans and not that you can talk"I ask, cause how can he remember the moans but not that Alex can talk, like moans are making noises right, "ion know, but let's see how he gonna react to being in the woods by him self" um wat the f*ck is he on about, "what are you talking about,we are going to be right here when he wakes up right" I ask Alex as he takes his shoes off, "no we are not going to be here when he wakes up" what? And why is his eyes red?

"Alex we are not leaving Nate out here by himself, you do know how far it is from the pack house to here and plus there might be hunters out here and they might try to kill him or kidnapped him" "and what is your point" wha? is my mate bipolar or something, he was just happy a few minutes ago what the hell happened? Wait...

"Your not Alex are you?" I ask him " nope I am not Alex, I'm Demon" he replies "well Demon what are you?" "well I'm Demon and im the Demon side of Alex" wait wha "he has a demon side of him" "yeah he has seven sides the seventh one is an Angel and his name is Angel, now would you excuse me I'm gonna let Sliver take control, nice to meet you byeee" ummm what just happened.

Alex eyes turns dark blue "hey I'm Sliver Alex's Dragon nice to meet you but are you coming are not cause if not then you can stay but I'm not gonna to go see ya back at the pack house, byee". Wait huh he turns into his Dragon and flys off, I look down at Nate and sign, I turn into my Dragon and fly off to and leave Nate there he is going to be so pissed off.

We got back to the pack house and we change back into human form and it looks like Alex is fighting with his other half, they most didn't have his consent to take control, we went to the . We walk inside and Nates mom comes up to us, "are you okay and where's Nate?" She ask "I'm okey Bella and your stupid son is in the middle of the woods knock out" Alex says,

"Alex what did I tell you about erasing my son's memories" "wait so she knows Nate's your other mate" I ask him, his eyes go's wide and he hits me on my arm "really my son is your mate" "yeah, but you can't tell him, please Bella don't tell him"

" okey fine but good luck when he finds out his going to be pissed ab-" she gets cut off "wait you think his going to be mad about being my mate! OHMYGODHISGOINGTOREJECTMEIMGOINGTOLOSSMYMATENOICANTLOSSHIMHISMYFRISTMATEIANDCANTLOSSNATE ( oh my god his going to reject me, I'm going to loss my mate no I can't loss him his my first mate and I can't loss Nate)" Alex says super fast and breathing hard

"Alex baby, my son might be stupid but he would never reject you ok and was going to say his going to be mad that you never told him" "ok im fine now, where is everyone else" Alex says as he looks around "their in the kitchen, have fun cause Logan is pissed" the Luna says walking away and we walk in the kitchen and see everyone who was there before including my friends

"Ahhhh your back! And you got food?" Oh no "YOU GOT FOOD! WHILE WE WERE WORRIED ABOUT YOU" "Logan, baby, we got some for you too" Alex says hiding behind me, "Yeah, if you dont want it we'll give to someone elese that might" "Noo! Jaxx it's mine. It only belongs to me" I laugh and gave it to him, "I love love how too of my mates are getting along perfectly, it's cute"

"It just feels right" "You know" both me and Logan says

"We're in here Nate!!"
Me- "really Alex his going to kill us"

Sorry😔I took so long to update
School is annoying😫😫

Also this might be messy because I haven't had time to read it over and because I'm to lazy..🙂😋


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