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Normal. What really is normal?

What's normal for a princess? What's normal for a criminal, or a commoner, or a queen?

Depends on who you ask. Take Princess Anna for example, normal for her is convincing everyone that she's great. That no she doesn't have nightmares that keep her awake through the night. No, she definitely goes to sleep at the end of every day knowing that she is loved, cared for by many. She's obviously never hidden away in the stables to cry, or just to lay against a certain reindeer who couldn't and most likely wouldn't, say anything to judge her.

If you asked her sister, the Queen, it would be different. Elsa's normal is work. All day, every night, never ending. Elsa's normal is fear that she will mess up again. All day, every night, never ending. She was scared before she was reunited with world, now that she is surrounded by people that could judge any wrong move she makes and get the whole kingdom in trouble, the fear she feels is unexplainable.

One of the queen's closest friends, and Anna's boyfriend, Kristoff Bjorgman's answer to "what is normal" would be contrasting. He would tell you that every day when he looks around and sees how much his life has changed in the past few months, he feels he doesn't deserve any of it. Not Anna, or the three full meals a day he gets to eat with her and his new family. He doesn't deserve the place in the castle he now stays in. He doesn't deserve any of it.

Then there is the enemy. The one that tricked the princess into thinking what they had was love, only to leave her alone, cold, scared and angry, locked away in a dark room. The man that got incredibly close to killing the queen so he could be ruler of Arendelle. Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, thirteenth in line to the throne.

If you asked him what normal was, he wouldn't answer, he would never answer no matter how hard you pressed.

Hans has gone completely, entirely, and utterly insane. His nights are spent lying on his back in his stone hard, cold bed, or pacing back and forth in his cell, never sleeping, never daring to be trapped in a nightmare with the... voices. The screams, pleads, scoldings, cries, shouts, everything.

What have you done Hans, you ruined everything. You don't have to be like this Hans. Hans, all you have to do is escape and kill them, then you won't have hear them. Don't do it Hans, you will fail. No you won't, kill them. You'll get caught. What could be worse then this? Death? No death would be nice. Don't Hans. Do it, kill them. NO!

Alone. Alone is what the four of them feel day and night. Even if they were surrounded by everyone in the world, it couldn't cure the feeling deep in each one of their chests, the pain they experience.

Nothing could ever change that. Not even the strongest magic ever to exist.

Normal, sucks. And nothing will fix it.


Hey Y'all!
I'm so sorry for not working on my other stories, if I'm being honest, I've had no inspiration. I promise I will get to those as soon as my life slows down a bit and I can focus on it. I don't want to just write because I have to, if I'm in the mood and not just forcing myself it'll turn out much better.
And I want it to be PERFECT for you guys.
Anyway, this is going to be a multi chapter thing
Not super long
At the most six chapters
But only because I want to tell each one of their stories, and then have a connecting one at the end.
I really hope you guys like it so far!


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